Grant Co. Solar Rebuttal Testimony
January 31st, 2021

Better get this Rebuttal Testimony posted, as it’s almost time for Surrebuttal Testimony! To look at all the filings in the Grant County Solar docket GO HERE TO PSC DOCKET LOOK-UP and search for docket 9804-CE-100.
Grant County Intervenors Rebuttal Testimony:
NextEra Rebuttal Testimony:
Public Service Commission Staff Rebuttal Testimony – NONE!
Dept. of Natural Resources Rebuttal Testimony – NONE!
RENEW Wisconsin Rebuttal Testimony
Solar – Grant Co Intervenors’ Direct Testimony
December 8th, 2020

Grant County Solar, LLC… 1,406 acres, 2,058 acres, full of solar panels, blanketing crop land designated as “Farmland Preservation” land by town and county. Even the Public Service Commission’s Environmental Assessment states that this project is not consistent with local land use designation. Well DOH!
And now we’re off to the races, Intervenor testimony due today.
Whew… piles o’ files… Thank Dog for the internet! Remember when we had to make 15 copies just for the PSC?!?!

Badger Hollow – Petition for Rehearing!
May 13th, 2019

( … sigh… Petitions were denied)
Last Wednesday, Jewell Jinkins Intervenors filed Petitions for Rehearing in the three Badger Hollow dockets, the project siting docket (9697-CE-100), the transmission tie-line docket (9697-CE-101) and the WPSC and MGE acquisition docket.
In the Wisconsin State Journal:
Here are our filings:
MGE/WPSC were LOSERS in WI yesterday
December 21st, 2018
Madison Gas & Electric and Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, the Applicants in a “Buy/Sell” (BS!) docket (CLICK HERE for 5-BS-228) for part of the Badger Solar project (and Two Creeks solar too) have been resisting at every opportunity, trying to keep Jewell Jinkins Intervenors from Intervening. It gets more hilarious as we go through this crap.
First from the Applicants:
So our Reply:
Jewell Jinkins Intervenors_228_Reply to Applicants’ Response
The Administrative Law Judge granted our Intervention in technicolor:
So the Applicants’ looked for other ways to keep us out of the docket, throwing things at the wall to see what sticks:
So our Reply to both:
The Applicants just couldn’t stop:
So here’s our Reply to their Response:
Jewell Jinkins_228_Response 2 Reply 2 Response 2 Motion Protective Order
It was on the PSC agenda yesterday, and they denied the complaint in less than 30 seconds, with no discussion.
Do you think the Applicants will get the hint? We shall see. I have my doubts.
Solar Rulemaking Petition on file at WI PSC
December 12th, 2018
Does anyone else think it odd, when solar projects in Wisconsin are in the 2-10MW range, to apply to site the 300MW Badger Hollow solar project when there are no rules? Yeah, I know, it sounds like Minnesota siting 2,000+ MW of large wind projects with no rules and using small wind standards, way too similar. But this is real. 300MW of solar is a LOT of solar. It’s central station solar. It’s on some of the best ag land in Wisconsin. And it just happens to be on the route of the proposed Cardinal-Hickory Creek transmission line!
What to do? Rulemaking, of course. Yeah, we know how that goes (PUC denies Reconsideration re: Wind Rulemaking), but without rules, how will they reasonably site this project? Without rules, how will they reasonably site any solar project? So of course here we go, the Jewell Jinkins Intervenors’ solar rulemaking petition:
Petition for Rulemaking_JJI_Solar_FINAL_Signed
And Wisconsin’s PSC “ERFed” it today. It’s docket 1-AC-254. It’s my understanding that a comment period will be announced and then the Commission will decide whether or not to proceed with rulemaking.