No “almost” about it!

April 30th, 2020

YEAAA FAMILY FARE! They’re taking a positive step today!

I’d noticed on the couple of essential trips out that too many retail workers weren’t wearing masks, in particular Family Fare, our local grocery store, Kwik Trip (the folks who brought tRump to LaCrosse), Target, and Dollar Tree. Failure to wear masks is a direct contradiction to CDC recommendation:

CDC recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies), especially in areas of significant community-based transmission.

The CDC Face Mask page is HERE with more links!

So I’ve been contact the local retail outlet and also the HQ. That’s because employees are in a really bad spot, and if they push for PPE for themselves, offering another layer of protection for themselves and the public, they could very well lose their jobs! So outside pressure is needed, and hey, I’m stuck in front of a computer all day, so I’m on it.

Back and forth with Kwik Trip, they’re supposedly providing masks, and it’s employee’s option to wear them. Nope, not good enough. I’ve sent them the above CDC recommendation, no word back yet.

I just heard from Dollar Tree, sent the CDC link, and they were as lazy-unfaire about it (contact email hard to find, had to use fb messenger, but it did get through), so I sent them the Family Fare response as an example of the way to handle it.

What way is that? Well, after my second go round with Family Fare, I got an email yesterday from the umbrella corp,, which said:

Thank you, SpartanNash for stepping up!

Now, contact Gov. Walz to extend STAY HOME until at least we’ve reached peak cases and the number of new confirmed cases has decreased for at least 14 days! 651-201-3400.

CLICK HERE for the White House criteria for opening up!

We’re not there yet, not even close:

Kwik Trip’s lack of masks

April 24th, 2020

Family Fare, Kwik Trip, Dollar Tree in Red Wing, get comfortable masks for your employees and they need to wear them. I called Family Fare about this and was told “we provide masks and it’s their choice whether they want to wear them or not.” I left it at that as I had work to get done, piling up… but then we had to make a couple essential stops shopping again.

We’ve been to Kwik Trip twice over the last 6 weeks, both times when Alan went in, I waited in the car, and watched people going in. I was struck by the fact that none had masks on, NONE, and multiple people were going in from cars, not just one. Alan reported that NONE of the cashiers were wearing masks. So I contacted Kwik Trip HQ and reported what we’d observed and that they weren’t adequately protecting their workers or the public:

Contact Us KwikTrip/Kwik Star

Here’s the response I got (foreshadowing, note the reference to CDC):


Thank you for reaching out.

We most certainly share your concern for our customers & co-workers = they are WONDERFUL and are on the front lines daily.

A KT special task force meets at least once a day to implement changes and of course to comply with mandated CDC and state health department procedures.

On April 3, 2020, the CDC updated their recommendations with regard to masks. Masks are only recommended for those who have contracted covid-19 or for individuals caring for them.

As a result, our co-workers have been given the option of wearing masks and we are providing two washable masks for each person.

We are constantly re-evaluating our safety practices based on the most current information.

The CDC has consistently stated that face coverings and gloves are not a substitute for frequent hand washing, which we know are amongst the most effective ways to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

We have always stressed proper handwashing.

We will call and remind the store to follow our COVID-19 guidelines.

I hope this is somewhat helpful – Kwik Trip is committed to safely providing essential services.

It is a privilege for us to continue to serve the community during this crisis.

Thank you,

Christina- Customer Service Representative – Kwik Trip Communication Center 608.793.6267

LINK: CDC – Use Cloth Face Covering to Prevent Spread

Now, again, about that CDC statement by Kwik Trip’s PR person:

On April 3, 2020, the CDC updated their recommendations with regard to masks. Masks are only recommended for those who have contracted covid-19 or for individuals caring for them.

As a result, our co-workers have been given the option of wearing masks and we are providing two washable masks for each person.

Kwik Trip, change your policy, top down, and protect your workers and the public. Make sure that your PAID sick leave policy is beefed up to allow sick workers to stay home, and make sure your workers have health coverage sufficient to allow them to get medical care without fear of going into medical debt.

And Kwik Trip, please, stop misrepresenting the CDC’s recommendations.

I spend a lot of time watching this wallpaper, and just now, oh my…

Here, watch the MISO LMP page for yourself HERE!

Now it’s all ORANGE! WTF?

PJM remains blue, except for Chicago which is DARK blue, and now back to regular blue:


And now it’s back to blue… whew…

Gov. Walz will allow Minnesota golf courses to open Saturday

Why? Why are golf courses a priority? Campgrounds remain closed?

Oh, right…