Court DENIES Freeborn Wind/Xcel Motion to Dismiss
August 27th, 2019

Freeborn Wind, now owned by Xcel Energy, tried to get Association of Freeborn County Landowners booted out of the Appellate Court. Freeborn Wind’s Motion DENIED!
And here’s the Order of the Appellate Court:
And this delightful snippet:

So now we’re off to the races!! We filed a Motion to Stay the Proceeding, because Xcel has filed its request for a site permit amendment. We shall see…
More transmission? They’re nuts!
August 19th, 2019

I saw this today and it’s nauseating.
First there was CapX 2020 transmission (following Arrowhead transmission, which was supposed to be the be-all and end-all of transmission)(and the SW MN 345kV line, precursor to CapX 2020. CapX transmission was based on a forecasted 2.49% increase in demand, which as we know, didn’t happen.

And there was the MISO 17 project MVP Portfolio:

Tomorrow, the Wisconsin Public Service Commission is making its decision regarding the Cardinal-Hickory Creek project, the southern part of #5 above, and the LAST of the MVP projects to go through state administrative approval.
So today, this is in the STrib:
Minnesota utilities will study if the $2B CapX2020 grid improvements were enough
By Mike Hughlett Star Tribune AUGUST 19, 2019 — 3:05PM

Photo: DAVID JOLESA utility worker assesses electrical power lines in south Minneapolis.
So that said, here’s Xcel Energy’s Integrated Resource Plan’s Appendix on transmission:Xcel IRP – Appendix I – Transmission & Distribution – from 20197-154051-03Download
The schedule for IRP hearings was just released, it’s in October, so there’s time to make time for it:

We know Xcel Energy gets a “handsome” rate of return for transmission capital expenditures (hence “CapX transmission), so of course they want to build more. The IRP is our time to tell them how they should get the electricity they need, whether their plans are making any sense.
How about shutting down some of those coal plants, and freeing up some capacity? How about siting solar on every rooftop, over every parking lot, putting the generation at load so we don’t need transmission? Oh, but wait, that makes too much sense, especially where a utility wants to keep control of the generation, and the expenditures, and rake in the dough.
Time to pay attention to the IRP. URP!
Notice – IRP Hearings in October
August 16th, 2019

The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission has announced hearings for the latest Integrated Resource Plan:

Here’s the full Notice, and there’s info on how to get into the docket to review the filings — important to know what to comment about!!

Oh my… just in, a request to suspend the permitting schedule for Dodge County Wind, the Certificate of Need, the wind site permit, and to WITHDRAW the transmission route permit!
There are 3 Dodge County Wind dockets, a Certificate of Need (17-306), wind siting (17-307), and transmission (17-308). Process wise, it goes to PUC for approval, and the PUC will probably announce a comment period in all 3 dockets. Then Commission will meet, and approve the withdrawal of the transmission without prejudice, so they can refile when they have a workable plan. That withdrawal process will take some time.
That time is an issue, because I don’t see any way they can come up with a transmission plan and get it through the MISO transmission studies to get a permit and start construction by year end. Tax credit implications — they have a problem.
As to the suspension of Certificate of Need and wind siting application proceedings, I’d like to see them dismissed without prejudice also, not suspended, gumming up the works at the Commission. We shall see.
This transmission was absurd from the get-go, a 345kV line with what, a 2,200MVA capacity, for a 170 MW project? They said it was part of a regional interconnection, from the application:

Oh, really? Don’t see it in the MISO MTEP. It’s not… and it’s a radial line, and you just don’t build short radial 345kV lines!
Here are Dodge County Wind’s requests for suspension and withdrawal:
“On August 9, 2019, DCW withdrew its MISO interconnection queue position no. J441, because of the significant interconnection costs associated with that queue position.”
Oh my… what does the MISO DPP Report have to say about that? Just search this report, issued July 25, 2019, for “J441.”
I figured the PUC should have that MISO report in the record:

And check out the summary page on p. 149 of the 150 page pdf.
After getting the 345kV route alternatives “C” and “D” ejected, not to be considered in the FEIS, this is just the icing on the cake!!
Dodge Center Xmsn – Mission Accomplished!
Here’s some background info from just over a year ago:
Dodge County Wind info presentation
July 29th, 2018
From the very beginning, with Dodge County Concerned Citizens working hard to inform people of the project, all three dockets, and Dodge Center’s Tom Applegate going door to door and encouraging people to write comments and send photos showing how the transmission line would affect their neighborhood in Dodge Center, this public input helped call the entire project into question. With the DEIS rejecting transmission alternative routes C and D, and with the MISO interconnection study showing so many network upgrades needed at a very high cost, this project is no longer viable. The people affected by this project have had a tremendous impact.
Wackadoodle theories on Epstein
August 11th, 2019

There are bizarre theories that the Clintons took care of Epstein. Clintons? Clintons are history, and remember BENGHAZI (no indictments after 4 years of digging around) and the bizarre “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory (fabricated by “Social media users on a popular Reddit forum dedicated to Donald J. Trump and 4chan’s far-right fringe message board searched the releases for evidence of wrongdoing“) and the actual shoot-em-up at the Not-so-OK corral (which I’d guess is a mirror reaction of those actually engaging in child sex trafficing, and what inspired the shooter to shoot up the place).
How can you speculate without a look to he who has most to lose, he who lies like a rug, since his Atlantic City cashino days is known to be a fraud, is an admitted nationalist and one who incites violence (it’s a matter of record, over and over), he who is actively being charged sued for sexual abuse and rape, he who is under investigation now, he who was surrounded by those who have been arrested, waiting for trial, tried and found guilty, and/or jailed, a record number in any administration. And remember, Billy was already impeached for lying under oath and obstruction regarding far lesser things that those for which he who they don’t name is under investigation. Willful ignorance at best.
We’ve seen the pleadings claiming threats to Plaintiff accusing Epstein and tRump of rape. And I’d forgotten about tRump and Guiliani’s many threats to Michael Cohen and his family. DOH!
Diversion won’t help the Pedophile/Rapist/Racist-in-Chief, his M.O. has been known for decades. But you who are diverting, and you know who you are… What’s your basis, and how do you justify this to yourself? And most importantly, what are you doing to fix this fine mess you got us into?