WaPo’s Snowden Interview

December 25th, 2013

I’m so tired about the vacuous blather about “freedom of speech” these days.

rubberduckSo now for something completely different…

If you’ve not read it yet, here, read something with some substance, read it now, now that you’re warmed by all the good vibes of the holiday season, think about this one guy standing up, speaking out, and putting himself on the line:

Edward Snowden interview, by Barton Gellman, Washington Post

Snowden likened the NSA’s powers to those used by British authorities in Colonial America, when “general warrants” allowed for anyone to be searched. The FISA court, Snowden said, “is authorizing general warrants for the entire country’s metadata.”

“The last time that happened, we fought a war over it,” he said.

And if you’re looking for more holiday warm fuzzies, try this:

Snowden’s Alternative Christmas Message 2013 – Ch. 4

Snowden says spying worse than Orwellian, Gellman, WaPo


It’s Piglet!

December 23rd, 2013

Birthday greetings from Little Bro’ David included a photo of my first car, Piglet!  $144 at Freeway Ford.  We held it with about $20 in change from a pile o’ teenagers pockets, and days later, it was mine.  That’s one of David’s car behind, looks like the 69 SS, so I figure this was 1974 or so.


Yes, it’s the long awaited North American Electric Reliability Corporations Long-Term Reliability Assessment!  Usually it comes out in October, and this year, December?  Go figure.

2013 NERC Reliability Assessment

In particular, check out the charts showing the most impressive reserve margins (click for larger version) starting on p. 15 of the report (22 of the pdf):

2013 SummaryTableG

The section on MISO begins on p. 52 of the report.

As my buddy at ATC would say, “Cuddle up with your Kindle!”

Another long day… zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


We’ll be having a phone conference about Xcel Energy/GRE’s request to withdraw their Certificate of Need and the Administrative Law Judge will probably certify it to the Public Utilities Commission, meaning he will forward it to the Commission to make a decision.

Filings, in order of appearance:

Xcel/GRE Hollydale Withdrawal Petition

WPNA Letter


WPNA Comment


Now, on to the conference call…