Racist extremists charged today!
November 30th, 2015
Thanks to the STrib’s Libor Jany for posting the Statement of Probable Cause for Allen Scarsella. The four are Scarsella, Joseph Backman, Nathan Gustavsson, and Daniel Macey. Hennepin Co. Atty. Freeman’s press conference starts soon.
It looks like all four will be charged. I’m very glad to see the County Attorney handling this quickly. I believe they’re also looking at whether to charge this as a hate crime. Given all the video and online threads, it’d be pretty hard to show it wasn’t a hate crime.
From Reuters:
This is progress, a start.
From the press conference (close, but not necessarily verbatim):
“These are sick people…”
“These four have been in custody… we believe there may be another, and that’s why this is ongoing.”
“If you’re a racist, you’re a racist, and that’s just not acceptable.”
“For people to talk about about their fellow human beings in that manner is simply not acceptable.”
“First appearance is tomorrow, we’ve asked for half a million dollars for Scarsella, and for a quarter million for the others.”
Tuesday 12/1 – PPSA Annual Hearing
November 29th, 2015
Here we go again, this year’s Power Plant Siting Act Annual Hearing.
Public Utilities Commission (PUC) Docket Number: E999/M-15-785
Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) Docket Number: 60-2500-32901
Date: Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Time: 9:30 a.m.
Location: Minnesota Public Utilities Commission, Large Hearing Room, 121 7th Place East, Suite 350, Saint Paul, MN 55101
Bad weather? Find out if a meeting is canceled. Call (toll-free) 1-855-731-6208 or 651-201-2213 or visit mn.gov/puc
Here are some prior dockets (to access the entire docket, individual comments, etc., go to :
2006 Report to PUC – Docket 06-1733
2007 Report to PUC – Docket 07-1579
2008 Report to PUC – Docket 08-1426
2009 Report to PUC – Docket 09-1351
2010 Report to PUC – Docket 10-222
2011 Report to PUC – Docket 11-324
2012 Report to PUC – Docket 12-360
2013 Report to PUC – Docket 13-965
2014 Summary Comments– Docket 14-887
Where are the “Prayers for _______”
November 29th, 2015
Methinks cognitive dissonance has people’s minds in a wringer leading to silence.
Whenever a police officer is killed or seriously injured on the job, my facebook feed lights up with “Prayers for _______,” “blue line” memes, and #policelivesmatter hashtags. Officer Garrett Swasey was killed by a white male terrorist at Planned Parenthood of Colorado Springs, likely one of the first on the scene of that violent attack. Five other officers, not publicly identified, were injured. Yet the internet is virtually silent. The usual many, many comments are not there. Only two of the many people I know who are usually filling the feed with “Prayers for” comments have offered concern about the fallen officer, and there’s been nothing at all regarding those injured.
There are quite a few comments about this silence…
Here’s a remembrance in the New York Times:
Garrett Swasey, Officer Killed in Colorado, Is Recalled for Courage and Faith
Inciting violence — today a terrorist at Planned Parenthood
November 27th, 2015

A suspect is taken into custody outside a Planned Parenthood center in Colorado Springs, Colorado November 27, 2015. Police arrested a gunman who stormed the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Colorado Springs on Friday and opened fire with a rifle in a burst of violence that left at least 11 people injured, including five officers, authorities said. REUTERS/Isaiah J. Downing FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVE. TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
What am I thankful for? I’m thankful that we have an opportunity, today, to recognize and acknowledge our rights, and our right and obligation to stand up for our rights and the rights of everyone, but particularly the rights of women, blacks, Muslims, immigrants, and everyone else who is under siege. It’s times like these where I’m thankful to be an attorney, sworn on oath to uphold the Constitution, grateful to have this piece of paper that says I can open a door for others. Day to day, I do this in a small way, helping people speak up, participate, and exercise their rights. But the much larger picture is so ugly. Each and every one of us, this is our right and our obligation. We have lost so much in the rights department since 2001, and now our most fundamental Constitutional rights are being challenged from all sides, in many venues. Stand up, ramp it up.
Last week, racist terrorists with stated intent to raise hell shot unarmed #blacklivesmatter #justice4Jamal protesters in Minneapolis.
Today, it’s a domestic terrorists shooting at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, CO, so far shooting at least one police officer killed and four injured, and two civilians killed and unknown others injured, 9 or maybe more civilians injured.
Planned Parenthood notes that:
We share the concerns of many Americans that extremists are creating a poisonous environment that feeds domestic terrorism in this country.
It’s not surprising there’s be a terrorist at a Planned Parenthood, it’s happened before, and will probably happen again. But it raises the issue of responsibility of speech. One of the latest right-wing political distractions has been a protracted, orchestrated, inflamed and vitriolic focus on Planned Parenthood, based on a phony video, and aimed at cutting Planned Parenthood federal funding. Nevermind that Roe v. Wade is the law of the land since 1973, despite so many attempts to legislate it away (like the 50+ attempts to repeal “Obamacare”), since that time there have been repeated efforts to strip federal funding, many Planned Parenthood clinics do not offer abortions, abortions constitute just 3% of services, and look HERE at the government funding. And today a guy goes in and shoots up Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs, CO.
What this says to me is that this is not about abortion. It’s a rallying cry to limit Constitutional rights, and to prevent women’s access to health care and birth control, cancer testing, and STD treatment.
- At least 1 Colorado Springs officer injured in ongoing active shooter situation at Planned Parenthood
- Shots Reported Near Planned Parenthood Clinic in Colorado Springs
In tandem, we see a rallying cry to prohibit entry of refugees, to establish a “religious test,” and such inflamed hatred directed at Muslims, citizens and non-citizens alike. Horrible, ugly stuff. Over and over, the rants are based on a claim of theocracy, the the U.S. is a “Christian” nation, and that only “Christians” should be allowed in. Not a thought is given to the founding of this country by people fleeing theocracy! No weight is given to the Constitutional prohibition of establishment of a state (government) religion.
And in Texas, a Texas militia group posts names and addresses of Muslims and “Muslim associates” (report HERE) for what purpose other than to encourage “religious” terrorists? Here’s THE Texas Militia site: Texas Militia. Same one?
Donald Trump is a prime offender, but it’s much broader than Trump.
About the shootings and openly racist threats…
November 24th, 2015
The threads are being taken down, but many have screenshots. Interesting that some of the comments on the City Pages article have disappeared, names were named in those disappearing threads, at least one showed up in comments, and surprise, and at least one has disappeared as well.
UPDATE: Saigamarine released, to others arrested. Here’s the “connect the dots” piece: REVEALED: Accused Minneapolis shooters fascinated with guns, militia groups and the Confederacy.
UPDATE: Two arrests so far… 23 y.o. white male in Bloomington, and 32 y.o. Hispanic male in south Mpls.
For several nights running there have been white supremacists coming to the 4th Precinct, their online stated intent to shake things up and hurt people.
Here’s advice from one of them:
Points for using a bow and arrow with expanding razor blade head.
Consider a shotgun slug or 00 buckshot for short range. 30-06 or similar for long range.
Here’s Minnesota’s criminal statute regarding terroristic threats:
Subd. 2.Communicates to terrorize.Whoever communicates to another with purpose to terrorize another or in reckless disregard of the risk of causing such terror, that explosives or an explosive device or any incendiary device is present at a named place or location, whether or not the same is in fact present, may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than three years or to payment of a fine of not more than $3,000, or both.