Xmsn Scoping Meetings July 8-10
June 27th, 2024
Here we go — Scoping meetings or environmental review for the “Mankato-Mississippi River” a/k/a Wilmarth-North Rochester-Tremval WI” transmission line. The application:
Another Xcel transmission application filed!
It’s yet another big honkin’ transmission line planned for southern Minnesota, some of which is along “alternate” routes for Capx 2020. CapX was to be the be-all and end-all of transmissison (well, so was Arrowhead), and here we are, too close to a virtual redo. Why? Where’s the need?
The schedule:
Of particular note, what does this do for Minnesota? Transmission, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR ME LATELY?
I’m representing NoCapX 2020 and The Prehn Family, because a part of a proposed route goes directly over the big CenterPoint natural gas dome just south of (flooded) Waterville. That little factoid, the location of the dome, locations of the many wells and monitoring stations, were NOT part of Xcel’s application. We did an inventory, and let them know with a rough map:
Xcel did have this to say in a Reply comment — it seems they did do some homework:
All the information in Xcel’s Reply, and more, needs to be in the environmental review and incorporated into not just environmental issues, but because this is both CoN (CN-22-532) and Routing (TL-23-157) dockets, the info must be part of the substantive side as well.
p.s. The Waterville school is flooded. Will post updated location when I get notice.
Xcel IRP Comment Period Extended
June 25th, 2024
Still catching up — this extension for filing comments was issued on the 17th.
An earlier post:
Thursday’s Xcel IRP meeting at PUC October 8th, 2016
And another, with the IRP initial filings and how to get around in eDockets – there is a LOT that’s been filed:
Xcel’s new Integrated Resource Plan February 5th, 2024
Xcel’s Red Wing garbage burner permit up for Comment
June 24th, 2024
“Steam Plant” my fat ass…
This just in — Notice from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) that the the Xcel garbage burner air permit is up for comment!
Comment period ends July 24, 2024
The documents are:
Public comment page: https://mpca.commentinput.com/?id=5GSCgR9YN
Public Notice: https://scs-public.s3-us-gov-west-1.amazonaws.com/env_production/oid333/did200071/pid_209141/project-documents/Xcel%20PN.pdf
Technical Support Document: https://scs-public.s3-us-gov-west-1.amazonaws.com/env_production/oid333/did200071/pid_209141/project-documents/Xcel TSD.pdf
From the Notice:
The public comment period is also the time to request an Informational Meeting and/or Contested Case, and the requirements are pretty specific:
Alan Muller on Red Wing incineration — from a while ago — and though the City’s incinerator has closed, the Xcel burner remains, covering us with Ramsey and Washington Counties’ garbage emissions:
Viewpoint: Truth re-evaluation of incineration long overdue
In any case, Red Wing has tried ever since to get others to subsidize its poor judgment. For example, in 2006 Red Wing passed an ordinance requiring all the garbage collected in Red Wing to be hauled to the incinerator. This caused the intervention of the Institute for Justice, which noted: “The City of Red Wing, Minn., has unconstitutionally turned its local government into a special interest protected from competition.” https://ij.org/case/pauls-industrial-garage-and-gibson-sanitation-v-city… The city lost in federal court, but in 2007 a U.S. Supreme Court decision shifted the law somewhat in favor of Red Wing’s position. https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/06pdf/05-1345.pdf
It’s long past time for people to wake up an assert themselves.
Has everyone forgotten an earlier Integrated Resource Plan’s pledge to shut down Red Wing and Wilmarth garbage burning by 2012??
Breakfast on Xcel
May 14th, 2008
From this post, my firsthand report:
Proverbs 6:16-19 anyone?!?!
June 24th, 2024
This sign is up at the Michigan intersection of M-28 and 123 on the way to Whitefish’s Great Lake Shipwreck Museum. Some yahoo sure picked the wrong scripture for reference!
Proverbs 6:16-19:
There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him:
17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood,
18 a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil,
19 a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.
PUC’s David Boyd?
June 22nd, 2024
For those of you wondering what David Boyd’s been up to since he was term-limited out of the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission, wonder no more. The rest of the story turned up in Grand Marais, Michigan, the other Grand Marais. I’d taken a photo much like this, but it’s disappeared, and found this nearly identical one — here ya go:
Turns out, the “David Boyd” boat is the R.V. David Boyd, the Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum’s “finder” of sunken ships:
So close, but no cigar!