Xcel’s Red Wing garbage burner permit up for Comment
June 24th, 2024
“Steam Plant” my fat ass…
This just in — Notice from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) that the the Xcel garbage burner air permit is up for comment!
Comment period ends July 24, 2024
The documents are:
Public comment page: https://mpca.commentinput.com/?id=5GSCgR9YN
Public Notice: https://scs-public.s3-us-gov-west-1.amazonaws.com/env_production/oid333/did200071/pid_209141/project-documents/Xcel%20PN.pdf
Technical Support Document: https://scs-public.s3-us-gov-west-1.amazonaws.com/env_production/oid333/did200071/pid_209141/project-documents/Xcel TSD.pdf
From the Notice:
The public comment period is also the time to request an Informational Meeting and/or Contested Case, and the requirements are pretty specific:
Alan Muller on Red Wing incineration — from a while ago — and though the City’s incinerator has closed, the Xcel burner remains, covering us with Ramsey and Washington Counties’ garbage emissions:
Viewpoint: Truth re-evaluation of incineration long overdue
In any case, Red Wing has tried ever since to get others to subsidize its poor judgment. For example, in 2006 Red Wing passed an ordinance requiring all the garbage collected in Red Wing to be hauled to the incinerator. This caused the intervention of the Institute for Justice, which noted: “The City of Red Wing, Minn., has unconstitutionally turned its local government into a special interest protected from competition.” https://ij.org/case/pauls-industrial-garage-and-gibson-sanitation-v-city… The city lost in federal court, but in 2007 a U.S. Supreme Court decision shifted the law somewhat in favor of Red Wing’s position. https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/06pdf/05-1345.pdf
It’s long past time for people to wake up an assert themselves.
Has everyone forgotten an earlier Integrated Resource Plan’s pledge to shut down Red Wing and Wilmarth garbage burning by 2012??
Breakfast on Xcel
May 14th, 2008
From this post, my firsthand report:
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