Contact Kenosha – City and County
August 31st, 2020
Don’t need more tRump inciting — look how tRump’s invasion of Portland and the TRUMP caravan through town this weekend went. More divisiveness, more incitement, more tension, more outrage? That’s the last thing Kenosha needs. Too many ugly and sometimes threatening comments on my thorough post the other day. White supremacist vigilante kills 2 in Kenosha
Send emails (easy-peasy cut & paste) to:
City of Kenosha Common Council and City Attorney:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Kenosha County Board of Supervisors:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Governor Tony Evers told tRump to STAY HOME! That’s the most sensible thing to come out of Wisconsin for weeks. And a missive of support to Gov. Tony Evers would be helpful:

STrib article: Trump administration allows deferral of Social Security tax
It’s real – the U.S. Department of the Treasury has issued guidance allowing employers to not withhold the 6.2% for Social Security AND employer share will not be paid in either.
Within this notice above, IN A FOOTNOTE (!), is a heads up that employers also do not have to pony up their share:
The deposit obligation for employee social security tax does not arise until the tax is withheld. Accordingly, by postponing the time for withholding the employee social security tax, the deposit obligation is delayed by operation of the regulations. Thus, this notice does not separately postpone the deposit obligation.
So not only is this not deducted from an employee’s paycheck, but the employer does not pay in either. If every employer did this, that would mean that the employer and employee funding for Social Security would drop to zero and end!
It would? Check this “analysis of the implications of hypothetical legislation that would change the tax rate paid by employers, employees, and self-employed individuals to zero percent for the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) payroll taxes and Self-Employment Contributions Act (SECA) taxes that fund Social Security’s Old Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) Trust Fund and Disability Insurance (DI) Trust Fund.”
Where does Social Security stand, what’s the income, outgo, Trust Fund balance? From the Wiki on Social Security:

Note income and outgo are evenly tied now. There’s a lot of $$$ that the government owes the Trust Fund, and it can’t make interest on what isn’t there (not that interest rates now mean anything). What’s expected to happen? Unless something changes, it goes into the negative circa 2034:

Where does Social Security get its revenue from? According to the Social Security Administration:
In 2019, $944.5 billion (89 percent) of total Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and Disability Insurance income came from payroll taxes. The remainder was provided by interest earnings $80.8 billion (7.6 percent) and revenue from taxation of OASDI benefits $36.5 billion (3.4 percent).
Removing $944.5 billion PLUS (presuming it’s ever increasing) from the Social Security income stream, EIGHTY-NINE PERCENT, would have a tremendous impact on both revenue and the interest earnings.
From Reuters:
Trump’s coronavirus payroll tax cut would punch hole in Social Security, Medicare budgets
AND what they’re not saying in BIG BOLD FONT is that this money has to be recouped in 2021. This “tax cut” really isn’t, and employees and employers would have to take a significant hit in 2021, paying their current 6.2% plus another sum to make up for the cut. How do they propose to do that? Not said… and if tRump had his way, he’d cut the payroll tax altogether.
As one who is 65 next year, and as one who is self-employed paying in the full 12.4% share for Social Security, putting the Social Security system at risk like this is not acceptable. Just NO! I’ll keep up with my pay-ins to Social Security, no balloon payment for me, but as one who will have to keep working forever before starting to collect Social Security, I’m royally pissed at these efforts to undermine Social Security. What they should be doing is putting back the money that has been borrowed, increase the income ceiling for Social Security deductions, and eliminate Social Security payments to those who have no need of it (that’s the “entitlement” that should be cut, the 1%, the 5%, the 10%, why on earth would they need Social Security payments?)
Destabilizing Social Security? This is something you’d think working stiffs and those collecting Social Security and Social Security Disability would care about.
When I’m 65?
Freeborn Motion filings – Dismissal and Injunction
August 27th, 2020

Lot of filings in preparation for the first hearing on Association of Freeborn County Landowners’ MERA suit against the PUC. At this time next week, it’s off to the races!
First, the Motions to Dismiss:
PUC Filings – Motion to Dismiss:
NSP and Plum Creek Wind Filings – Motion to Dismiss
Buffalo Ridge and Three Waters Wind Projects’ Filings – Motion to Dismiss
AFCL Response to Defendant and Defendant Intervenors Motions to Dismiss
Next, Motion for Temporary Injunction:
PUC Filings re: Injunction
NSP – Plum Creek Filings re: Injunction
White supremacist vigilante kills 2 in Kenosha
August 26th, 2020
(FYI, threats however anonymous and hidden are reported, and comments approved so the world can see what ugly jerks you are.)
Kyle Rittenhouse arrested in Illinois for fleeing, and charged with 1st degree Intentional Homicide, and more, in Wisconsin:

Contact the Wisconsin Attorney General and urge a full investigation of not only these murders and shootings, but the ties between Kenosha militia (and others) and Kenosha Police Dept., their coordination with militia in driving protesters towards them, and the role of militia and inciters to bring this about. Urge a U.S. Dept. of Justice investigation into Kenosha Police Department.
Suspect Charged with Murder After 2 Shot Dead at Kenosha Protest

- Wisconsin DOJ 608-266-1221
- Gov. Tony Evers 414-227-4344

See him walking away? You’ll see that in the Military Vangard video below. And after that first shooting, this:

Tucker Carlson defends actions of teen charged in killings of Kenosha protesters
Contact Fox News – Tucker Carlson needs to be FIRED – link HERE
Watch this video:
Another video, can’t embed it (see Military Vanguard fb page):
Here’s another:
And Kenosha Police Department issue this:

Looking for him? Kyle Rittenhouse, a/k/a Kyle Lewis, of Antioch, Illinois. They had him after the shooting, and they had him before, right here:
“We appreciate you guys, we really do!“
And some people wonder why people are out in the streets.
Here’s Kyle Rittenhouse a/k/a Kyle Lewis, of Antioch, Illinois:
Kyle Rittenhouse, charged in Kenosha protest homicides, considered himself militia

Police press conference, OMFD, complete with passive voice and claim that Rittenhouse was there “to resolve the situation,” another OMFD:

Here he is in 2017:

Apparently Rittenhouse’s mother drove him up to Kenosha. Is that who he was calling after he shot that first person who fell between the cars, saying “I just killed someone” and she came and picked him up (how did he get back to Illinois otherwise?). Sounds like she’s an accessory:

Kyle Rittenhouse in front row at Des Moines tRump rally
Here’s a photo from that rally:

Read the missive below, and recall the video above where the Kenosha Guard is trying to be all chummy with the police, and Paul Swick, local III%, going back and forth with Kenosha Guard. fb has taken down the Kenosha Guard and Armed Citizens… pages and posts of their “event” for last night. Scroll down for Infowars promotion!

Militia guy said cops told him, “Do you know what the cops told us today? We’re going to push them to you, because you can deal with them, then we’re going to leave.”
Other links for when they start taking links down:
- Shooter saying “I just killed somebody”
- Link to the shooter’s profile:
- Here you can see police assisting them and saying “we appreciate you guys we really do”
- Clip of militia stating that police told them “you guys can handle them”
- Full live feed from tonight:
Infowars promotion of the militia recruiting:
The Kenosha Guard, a local militia, is making a call-to-arms for “any patriots willing to take up arms and defend our city tonight from evil thugs.” The groups Facebook warns of potential future destruction to the neighborhood, claiming that there is “no doubt they’re currently planning on the next part of the city tonight!” [fb or the Kenosha Guard has taken the link down]
The Facebook event scheduled for 8PM at Civic Center Park today, outlines the agenda asking for “Armed Citizens to Protect our Lives and Property.” [fb or the Kenosha Guard has taken the link down]

This may have been inspired by other boogaloo movements such as in Michigan, but subsequently a result of the destruction of private property. A few brave locals came out armed last night to protect their businesses in Kenosha. The armed militia attempted to stop looters and rioters.
Ambiguous loss, unending uncertainty = COVID daze
August 25th, 2020

Thanks to Ann Iijima for this great article explaining what so many are wrestling with these days with extreme changes in our daily routine, our lives, family, work, school, and travel! I do wonder if we’ll ever again have a spirited Indian dinner with friends! Live jazz indoors? Not holding my breath…
Over the years, and particularly in times of financial, environmental, societal struggles and disasters, one thing I’ve notice is that so many people cannot handle uncertainty, and a truism of my life is that “the only certainty in life is uncertainty.”
I’ve been fortunate in that I’ve worked from home forever now, but I’m thinking a lot about “regular people” and wondering how they’re getting by, my neighbor having to go to work every day around people, often unreasonable and unruly people, a friend trying to run a restaurant spending so much time on sanitizing and precautions and, again, running into those unreasonable and unruly people, and neighbors with a large family who didn’t want the offer of a handful of masks I’d made. I’m thinking of my many musician friends who suddenly have zero work, zero income, and most of whom are have been living on the edge for a lifetime.
From the article, “But I was still doing well because I thrive in high-stress emergency situations. It’s exhilarating for my ADHD brain.” Yup, I can relate! Working from home since the end of February has meant not much of a change for me, other than frustrations of not being able to attend PUC meetings to jump up and loudly, or to go meet personally with distant client groups which is important to maintain interest and support. The travel is what I miss the most, and my clients are such a joy to deal with that they keep me going!! I’ve been binging on CLEs, which has been really interesting (surprisingly), and also using the extra time (from not traveling all the time) to dedicate an hour or more every day to ACTION (it’s a lot easier to lobby and agitate online, imagine these days without the internet!). Spurred by sending out campaign postcards, I recently started sending out postcards to people I’ve not seen in way too long — I have a huge collection from my trucking daze that were getting dusty. Adventures in gardening, baking, sewing masks, and yes, a haircut! House and car paid for and no consumer debt and solid income stream so I’m pretty secure financially, with no worries about eviction or foreclosure. At this point, the STAY HOME has been great for me, well, except for cancellations of campsites when state parks were closed, and pulling out of two Camp Host gigs and withdrawing from consideration for another in Wisconsin. Overall, I’m SO fortunate that my life fits into this pretty well. I recognize every day that for most, it’s an extreme struggle, and I think about all the time looking out the windows or on those rare trips out.
And here’s the article Ann found that might be helpful:
Our Brains Struggle to Process This Much Stress
A key point:
Bottom line: