The “Recall City Hall” committee so screwed up the Petitions to recall Wards 1 & 2’s Dean Hove that they were all returned with this missive:

So now they have to start all over from zero, and yesterday, a new Petition was filed for certification:

AND, there’s a gathering tonight, at a CHURCH, to start the Petition drive, info posted on Shelley Pohlman’s (a/k/a Rena Marsh, etc.) Red Wing Minnesota News page:

“Bureaucrats paid by the City of Red Wing found technical reasons to reject the first petition, signed by hundreds of citizens, to recall Council member Dean Hove for participating in secret meetings in violation of Minnesota’s Open Meeting Law.” That’s not why!!! You’ll also find this false statement on the “Recall City Hall” page. Ummmmm… right. Let’s just keep that bs going…

… nevermind that they didn’t use the Certified petition when collecting signatures to recall Hove. Good grief — is this so hard to understand? The Hove petitions were not done as legally required!!

So tonight, head on down to the New River church. Let’s see if they’ll train the folks soliciting signatures not to lie and misrepresent the reasons for the recall. Look at the Recall City Hall site!!! SNORT! The Recall petitions are not about firing Pohlman… it has nothing to do with “lower taxes.” Let’s be clear this time folks, here’s your rationale (click for larger version):

Maybe Shelley will even put up the ENTIRE certified petition this time, rather than this half-assed snippet from earlier times (linked too!):

Maybe Shelley will even move up these 250 words to the TOP of the Recall City Hall page? Feature it up front so the world can read? Naaaaah, that would be too honest.

It’s in, filed. Now it’s time for a nap.

Join ZoomGov Meeting HERE!

Meeting ID: 161 910 0378

Passcode: 463364

I’m very curious to see how this oral argument goes. After the debacle of our Freeborn Wind argument (A19-1195), well, just gotta see…

5:00PM – 6:00PM CST

Public Meeting Schedule: Meeting Details

Purpose The NRC staff will host a webinar to present the NRC’s assessment of safety performance at the Monticello and Prairie Island for 2020, as described in the 2020 annual assessment letter. Following the presentation, the NRC will respond to questions specific to the safety performance of the station(s) and the NRC’s role in ensuring safe plant operations. Meeting Feedback Meeting Dates and Times

5:00PM – 6:00PM CST

Webinar Webinar Link:
Webinar Meeting Number:N/A
Webinar Password:N/A
Contact Hironori Peterson
(630) 829-9707

Participation Level Information with Q&A NRC Participants Region III
External Participants Docket Numbers – Facility Names 05000263 – Monticello
05000282 – Prairie Island 1
05000306 – Prairie Island 2
Related Documents ML21145A346 – 6/9/21 Notice of Significant Public Meeting to Discuss NRC End-of-Cycle Performance Assessment of Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant and Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant for Performance for 2020 Calendar Year

Teleconference Bridge Number: +1(888) 603-9743
Passcode: 7300217

Here we go again. It’s bad enough that CapX 2020 is morphing into CapX 2050/Grid North Partners, but they’re having a “conference(sign up here) in a couple weeks.

Look at the Chair of this panel, none other than the Chair of the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission, and the description:


Remember the toadying for CapX 2020? Remember the toadying for Excelsior Energy’s Mesaba Project coal gasification? Remember the toadying for Prairie Island/NSP/Xcel Energy’s nuclear plants, particularly Prairie Island circa 1994 and 2003?

This sort of thing has been an issue before, and former Chair LeRoy Koppendrayer has been the only one to acknowledge this type of participation as an issue — this was in 2007:

IEDC gets carried away

When this happens, I contact the PUC and register concerns, and have always been assured that they know well the boundaries.

And, well, here’s Commissioner Tuma on DOE Nuclear Waste panel circa 2016:

DOE “Consent-Based” Nuclear Waste Mtg.


This was also an issue with Commissioner Reha when she went off on a coal gasification junket to Belgium and promotion of CapX 2020! See the John Tuma link, above, for this with active links:

When the promotion and bias is so blatant, I’m not about to watch silently. Earth to PUC Commissioners, here are the PUC’s rules:

And when you see something, say something?

Ummmm, right…


Listen to Commissioner Tuma’s words that were the subject of our complaint at the link above. And the ALJ’s report delivers this warning:

I guess it will be an informal complaint, eh?