What tRump is sending out… LIAR!
July 24th, 2019

After Mueller’s testimony, this hit the inbox… EXONERATED?!?! “How many times?” How about once. Exoneration? Hasn’t happened yet.
From tRump’s campaign:
It’s been over three months since the Mueller Report was released and Democrats and the Fake News media can’t accept that there was NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION, COMPLETE AND TOTAL EXONERATION!
Nothing about the report has changed, so WHY are they still pursuing this Nasty Witch Hunt? It’s time to MOVE ON!
Robert Mueller just finished testifying, and the Democrats and Corrupt Media are going to pull out all the stops to try and TRICK the American People into believing their LIES.
How many times do I have to be exonerated before they stop?
Sadly, this won’t be the end, Carol. The attacks and lies will keep coming because Democrats know they don’t stand a chance against us in 2020. That’s why we need to fight back BIGGER and STRONGER than ever before.
Let’s send a HUGE message to all of the Trump Haters by raising $2,000,000 in the NEXT 24 HOURS.
And just 4 hours later, 7:02, this arrives:
Today’s Mueller hearing proves that Democrats have completely lost touch with reality.
The Mueller Report completely EXONERATED President Trump, but Democrats are still insisting on wasting more of YOUR money on this bogus WITCH HUNT.
President Trump emailed you today during the Mueller Hearing because we already knew what Mueller was going to say – NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION!
Democrats have realized that the American people will NEVER embrace their big government SOCIALIST agenda, so they’ve resorted to partisan political games.
We need to let Democrats know that the American people see right through their charade.
No matter how many baseless LIES Democrats attack him with, President Trump will NEVER stop fighting to Keep America Great.
Please contribute ANY AMOUNT you can to stand with President Trump.
Thank you,
Team Trump 2020
This is really nuts!!!!
Cardinal-Hickory Decision Matrix
July 23rd, 2019

The Wisconsin Public Service Commission has released the Cardinal-Hickory Creek transmission project “Decision Matrix” where the “he said/she said” nature of these contested cases is so graphically presented.
52 pages to start with, where parties detail positions supported with citations. 75 words of narrative per section, plus citations. Due this Friday.
PSC staff did a pretty good job on this, except for not doing enough development of alternatives, particularly where the need case is so weak. Realistic alternatives, both system alternatives and route alternatives, could meet the claimed “need” (which is different than “need”), and should be developed, reviewed, and added in a Supplement to the EIS, so that the Commission could put them in the mix. Without that, there’s no serious consideration.
Cardinal-Hickory Creek: Consumer advocates say line not needed, benefits in doubt
Freeborn Wind, again and again
July 23rd, 2019

Invenergy has sold Freeborn Wind, LLC, to Xcel Energy, well, Northern States Power Company – Minnesota. Sooooo, now they’ve asked the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission to approve the acquisition.

On or about June 14, the day of closing, Invenergy, the developer/old owner, TERMINATED 34 leases and good neighbor agreements covering over 4,470 acres of land.
What does that mean? Well, the project, and project approval, was based on 17,435 acres of leased land, and 4,470 is over 25% of the leased land. In the contested case, it was questionable whether the project had enough land, and there’s even a notation that Invenergy was working on acquiring more land, and we were told over and over again that there wasn’t enough room to make any adjustments, to move any turbines even a little bit! So now, at 75%, can they even build this?
Meanwhile, Xcel/NSPM has said they’ll be requesting a permit amendment, because they’ll be changing 32 Vesta V116 to Vesta V120, larger turbines, longer blades (needing larger 3 and 5RD setbacks) and longer blades equals more noise. They’ve said they’ll file new noise study, shadow flicker, and site plan.
In short, the project permitted December 19, 2018 and May 10, 2019, is not the same project.
Now this is NOT the same project… there are substantive, material changes… PUC doesn’t seem to care, Commerce doesn’t seem to care…
Association of Freeborn County Landowners is trying to wake up the Commission:
Xcel/NSPM has asked for approval of the acquisition, and the Commission announced a comment period, so here we go:
And read EERA’s Comment — good grief, blinders on the wrong end of the horse:
PUC will take a look at this sometime soon, but likely the NSPM amendment request will come in, IF they file it as planned, before that, as they expected to file in July. We shall see.
“New” portable office
July 20th, 2019

For years, ever since we got our pop-up in 2015, we’ve been using it as a portable office, PUC hearings, client meetings… here’s from a stay in Big Bog (worst ever!) for the Great Northern transmission line road show, I think this was the DOE EIS public hearings. Such intense rain that the Rainy River was overflowing its banks, some roads closed, and then, after the rain, the bugs, worst ever, black flies and mosquitoes so thick that their carcasses are still stuck in the windows!

Myre-Big Island State Park very convenient for Freeborn Wind doings:

Fast forward to 2019, after 170+ days in the pup, we’ve gotten more than our $$$ worth, and I’m wanting longer trips and longer distances, if timing works out, maybe heading south for some of the winter… maybe a chance to do some work with asylum seekers at the border? Sooooo… a new portable office?

YES!!! A 2012 Starcraft AR-ONE 15RB! I’ve been looking for quite a while, figuring out what works and what doesn’t (a 2004 R-Vision Cassette does not, but sold that easily, WHEW!) so now I can buy something. These 15RB’s are rare, and I’ve been ready to leap, but the only reasonable ones were in Indiana, then one popped up in Iowa, and it sold in a couple hours! Then Thursday, one posted late, so I sent a missive, it was just after they closed, and then early Friday, we headed up to Little Falls. Pretty much hook & book! It’s ours!

Time for the best of all worlds, a 15RB is light, self-contained for a quick “jump in and snooze” on the road to somewhere, and when settled in, an easy fold-out tent bunk for that camping feel, and it’s as large as the pop up when the bunk is folded out. The front dinette is at least a foot longer, and maybe a foot wider too. AC for days like yesterday! I mean really, what does 122 feel like? I don’t want to know!

So if this rain ever stops, and it probably won’t be today, we’ll figure out what goes in this trailer, what we don’t need, and how this will work, and then get the pop-up ready to sell. That will be hard, I’m SO attached, but this one will be easy to get used to!

It’s Little Sadie approved, although the rainstorm is NOT! We’ll see how this works!

ACLU sues on asylum rule
July 17th, 2019

Here it is, the Complaint in ACLU’s suit, and others, challenging the tRump administration’s slashing of right to seek asylum.