Project 2025, the plan to foist authoritarian “Christian” nationalism on the United States. Just NO!

I’d downloaded this, and got lost in the “catch-up” and didn’t post it. GGGACK! This is a must read. It’s long, it’s horrifying, but after this U.S. Supreme Court “Trump v. U.S.” immunity decision, linked HERE, there’s all the more reason to fight like hell to assure it doesn’t go forward.

Here’s Pres. Biden’s speech yesterday about the Supreme Court decision:

The name of the case clearly states what’s going on here:


Bottom line, immunity for “official acts,” but the definition of “official acts” is up for grabs, and it’s been sent back for that definition.

I think this NPR headline states it well:

Supreme Court says Trump has absolute immunity for core acts only


However, sending it back means that there will be no final outcome before the election.

So on that happy note… sigh… it’s kinda hard not to puke reading these opinions..

Here’s the Supreme Court decision that overturned 40 years of precedent of Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. NRDC, 467 U.S. 837 (1984):

What does this mean for those of us dealing with agencies streamlining, steamrolling, out the bad decisions, issuing permits that shouldn’t be issued, permits against the public interest?

Methinks the histrionics of this decision are overblown, and that it could prove to be a good thing for “us” and a problem for those agencies and the corporations, particularly utilities, that benefit from the unsupported agency decisions.

I’ve not really digested this… any comments out there? Those challenging agency decisions, what’s been the outcome of those challenges? What’s your guess regarding the outcome of decisions post-Loper?

My bro’ was going through Kansas and was wondering what all the blinking red lights across the horizon were. Well, DOH, wind turbines. So looking, I found this great resource:

U.S. Wind Turbine Database

Very useful, very easy to use, you can dance to it — I’ll give it a 98!

Here’s what he saw near Hays, Kansas:

I’ve been asked again about the Application, posted earlier, and I’ll post it below, but also, it’d be good to know how to get around on eDockets, because a lot will be added as this application goes forward. Here’s the primer:

MN PUC – How To eDockets

The Application:

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Environmental Review scoping meetings NEXT WEEK! So now’s the time to do your homework.

There are also two WebEx meetings on June 11:

The links above for the WebEx meetings are not live, you’ll need to type them in.