MCEA deal with the Koch Bros?
April 17th, 2013
Here we go again. Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy (MCEA) and… get this… the Environmental Integrity Project, have teamed up to do a deal with Flint Hills Resources, owned by Koch Industries, our great and good fiends, the Koch Bros.
Why is Environmental Integrity Project, a Washington D.C. entity, even involved in this?
Here’s the deal — download HERE it NOW before it disappears (they took it off the page, but the link still works) — here’s the captured Agreement:
Both are bragging about it in press releases:
Here are the parts of the above agreement that are a problem — they have agreed to not object to this project, and they have agreed to SUPPORT the project — does this sound like CapX 2020 all over again? They have also agreed not to assist others in any way, and to keep these requirements confidential! It’s enough to make me wonder if there are, as there have been in other deals, other agreements. Well, here are the specific parts that are so offensive and which are deemed confidential (click each piece for larger view):
The confidentiality provisions are disturbing — that they’re not to disclose the fact that they’re making their supportive comments as a material term of this agreement, and not to disclose these terms to anyone, “including but not limited to local, state or federal governing or regulatory bodies and agencies, and members of the public.” GOOD GRIEF!
Thanks to the STrib for getting this out in the open:
Not-so-Great Northern Xmsn Line ramping up
April 16th, 2013
There are meetings happening this week and next on the Great Northern Transmission Line, stretching from Manitoba south easterly toward Duluth.
Meeting schedule (or CLICK HERE):
Where is this project at? It’s just at the beginning. To see what’s in the PUC’s docket thus far, go HERE and search for docket number 12-1163. The Notice Plan and Exemptions from filing requirements have been approved by the Commission, so the Application is probably going to be filed any day now.
What is Minnesota Power saying about the Great Northern Transmission Project? That’s their site, highlighted, and here’s handouts from prior meetings:
Think we need it? Think we don’t? I need to do some digging this week, and I’ll post what I find. But to be clear, I’ve never seen a transmission that was wanted for the reasons they say it’s needed.
Here’s the Certificate of Need process, roughly, and ignore the comments typed in about when Notice Plan comments are due, that’s history. Remember that to have a seat at the table and the opportunity to influence what happens, it’s time to INTERVENE!!!
IGCC, FutureGen and Obama
April 15th, 2013
I am so tired of the wing-nut hype against Obama for his “war against coal.” Obama is promoting coal — he earned his label as a bigger coal toady than Bush when he revived the FutureGen IGCC project which Bush had the sense to drop (one of his few positive acts, well, on the other hand, maybe that was a passive languishing). As if Obama’s transmission Rapid Response Team and “fast tracking” seven transmission projects and appointing former ATC attorney Loren Azar to push transmission that facilitates transmission for coal wasn’t enough… WAR ON COAL? Give me a break… Why don’t they talk about his promotion of coal gasification? His taking money from coal interests (he is, after all, from Illinois, a coal state).
Just out, a report from the Congressional Research Service about FutureGen, the coal gasification plant that, no matter how they try, they just can’t get built.
From the report, first, a most understated explanation of the impossibilities facing this demonstration plant — that no investor would sink money into IGCC, that PPAs are outrageously cost prohibitive, and 90% capture, while difficult, means nothing if it’s not stored somewhere which is logically and physically impossible at the magnitude of coal plant production:
Congressional interest in CCS technology centers on balancing the competing national interests of fostering low-cost, domestic sources of energy like coal against mitigating the effects of CO2 emissions in the atmosphere. FutureGen would address these interests by demonstrating CCS technology. Among the challenges to the development of FutureGen 2.0 are rising costs of production, ongoing issues with project development, lack of incentives for investment from the private sector, time constraints, and competition with foreign nations. Remaining challenges to FutureGen’s development include securing private sector funding to meet increasing costs, purchasing the power plant for the project, obtaining permission from DOE to retrofit the plant, performing the retrofit, and then meeting the goal of 90% capture of CO2.…Multiple analyses indicate that there will be retirements of coal-fired capacity; however, virtually all analyses agree that coal will continue to play a substantial role in electricity generation for decades.
Cherryholmes a lobbyist for Covanta!
April 9th, 2013
Oh my, Jackie Cherryholmes, running for Mayor of Minneapolis, went and did a “Dennis Egan.”
There’s nothing better than when an industry hired gun goes and blows it, when given a choice to do the right thing they just can’t manage to do it, showing their lack of ethics and character for all the world to see.
What do we see? That Jackie Cherryholmes was a registered lobbyist for Covanta, the evil promoter and operator of the HERC garbage burner that is now trying to get their garbage burning capacity increased, asking to burn more garbage and spread toxic emissions over Minneapolis. A big thanks to the STrib for getting this out into the open.
From the Campaign Finance Board:
Covanta spent $80,000 lobbying in 2012, 2011 and 2010, and $40,000 in 2009.
On February 16, 2013, Cherryholmes announced she was running for Mayor of Minneapolis.
On March 1, 2013, she terminated as lobbyist for Covanta on Leg/Metro issues. She’d registered as Covanta lobbyist on February 15, 2011, just over two years prior.
Cherryholmes also terminated as lobbyist for M.A. Mortenson that same day. What about entities such as Minneapolis Refuse? Others? Do others have interests before the City of Minneapolis?
In the STrib today:
Cherryhomes omits a detail in support for burning more trash
Posted by: Maya Rao under Politics and government Updated: April 8, 2013 – 6:55 PM
She said she had never lobbied City Council in connection with Covanta.
The earth asks enviros: What have you done for me lately?
April 8th, 2013
You seem to think you’re Dog’s gift to this earth…
Two things appeared in the inbox at about the same time, the first an announcement of McKnight Foundation and Energy Foundation grants in the Midwest, and from Truthout, a review and interview of Ozzie Zehner, author of Green Illusions: The Dirty Secrets of Clean Energy and the Future of Environmentalism.
First, the massive foundation to “environmental” organizations:
McKnight fights climate change with $25 million in grants
The two-year grants of $20 million to Energy Foundation and $5 million to RE-AMP, a network of nonprofits, extend existing funding partnerships and the philanthropy’s $100 million commitment, announced in 2008, to blunt climate change. The two groups will focus on developing policies and public education to reduce dependence on fossil fuels in Minnesota, the Dakotas, Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan and Ohio.
And on to Green Illusions: The Dirty Secrets of Clean Energy and the Future of Environmentalism. GO HERE TO ORDER.
That pretty much sums up what I’ve seen over the last 20 years…
…the binary aspect, and looking for a simple “flick the switch” solution when it’s oh-so-complicated.