Goodhue Comments in!
April 3rd, 2013
Today was the day that Comments were due on the Goodhue Wind Project based on the Public Utilities Commission’s very detailed and specific issues to address:
From Goodhue Wind Truth:
And Goodhue County:
And here’s a strange one from the project’s Applicant — no comments, just asking for a delayed deadline for Reply Comments:
Really, this is their request:
Accordingly, in recognition of the value of the time of the Commissioners, the Staff, the Respondents and all parties hereto, New Era respectfully requests that the deadline for reply comments and further action in these matters be delayed pending resolution of the New Era proposals.
New Era believes that an extension of 30 days may be adequate for resolution of this matter.
30 days? Sure… right… whatever you say…
And from Commerce:
Bottom line from Commerce is (p. 11 of pdf):
At the time the Commission approved a CN for the Project, the Department’s position was that the proposed Project did not meet the CN requirements without its C-BED status. Due to the Company’s own uncertainty and the fact of a current Commission Order on the issue of C-BED status, it would be premature at this time for the Department to address possible changes to the Commission’s Order on the C-BED status of the Project.
A proposed project’s financing, turbine purchase agreements, power purchase contracts, possession of leases, easements and wind rights are not required to be known at the time of a CN determination; therefore, changes in these areas are only required to be considered by the Commission to the extent that they result in the criteria found in Minnesota Rules 7849.0400.
While Minnesota Rules 7849.0400 sets forth the thresholds for Commission recertification of certificates of need , the Commission has broad authority to rescind or amend its past Orders at any time and for any reason.
Let’s just get it over with!
April Fool on April Fools Day!
April 1st, 2013
Bubble in the natural gas fracking world? Is the fracking boom about to go BOOM? From AlterNet:
Is Natural Gas the Next Bubble? Has Fracking Promised More Than It Can Deliver?
In this weekend’s Red Wing Republican Eagle — they edited my headline, this is the original, because my view of this is that those writing about how he is being abused, it’s a lynching, etc. are ignoring the crucial fact that he had the choice to disclose but he did not. Let’s see what happens today:
It’s about disclosure!