Hot off the press:

You can also attend online:

To review the DEIS, go to the PUC’s eDockets. Start HERE, click on “eDockets” on that page, and you’ll go to the search page. Enter “22” for year, and “131” or “132” for the docket:

The DEIS was filed in MANY documents on October 8. The full text is here:, all 506 pages of it:

And here’s where it gets interesting. This Notice is also for the Evidentiary Hearing, and note the limitations for the public:

Here’s what the rules say about public participation at ALL hearings, Minn. R. 1405.0800:

And also this, from Minn. R. 1405.1500:

And then there’s Minn. Stat. 216E.03…

So let’s take another look at that “Evidentiary Hearings” paragraph from the Notice just received:

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