When we left Craters of the Moon Nat’l Monument and Preserve, we learned Minidoka National Historic Site was on the way out of Idaho, so of course we headed to Jerome, Idaho. It’s a memorial documenting the U.S. internment of Japanese citizens and issei (first generation Japanese immigrants who the “U.S.” determined were unable to become citizens). When we toured Manzanar in 2017, which needs to be on everyone’s go-to list, I got a copy “By Order of the President: FDR and the Internment of Japanese Americans,” written by Greg Robinson, focused on Executive Order 9066 and rounding up of Japanese without due process, without notice, where families lost everything, EVERYTHING, and were in these concentration camps for years, in some cases, having to build the camps, as they were in remote locations, and nothing was there!

It’s really disturbing that this IS how we treat people in this country. It’s doubly disturbing when we see familiar names on the list, in this case, the Issei Memorial of those imprisoned at Minnedoka:

These are lessons we need to know, and never repeat. Yet back in 2017, when we toured Manzanar National Historical Site, the then “President” was issuing hateful and discriminatory Muslim ban Executive Orders, starting with EO13769, to prevent entry to the U.S. Deja vu all over again.

The Minidoka National Historic Site is quite new, and it looks like it’s under development, more to come. There’s a strong tie with this location to the Bainbridge Island round-up, where Japanese first were sent to Manzanar, and then to Minidoka. There’s more info on Bainbridge Island that HERE (though this site is odd, the wording/language used is a little to “happy.” From the site, “children and adults alike will enjoy this delightful local museum” ummmmm, there’s nothing delightful about forced “evacuation” and incarceration.)

As if the “Monument” Executive Order 13933 wasn’t bad enough, now there’s this:

One of the points? Build a “National Garden” with statues…

The National Garden should be composed of statues, including statues of John Adams, Susan B. Anthony, Clara Barton, Daniel Boone, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, Henry Clay, Davy Crockett, Frederick Douglass, Amelia Earhart, Benjamin Franklin, Billy Graham, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, Martin Luther King, Jr., Abraham Lincoln, Douglas MacArthur, Dolley Madison, James Madison, Christa McAuliffe, Audie Murphy, George S. Patton, Jr., Ronald Reagan, Jackie Robinson, Betsy Ross, Antonin Scalia, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Harriet Tubman, Booker T. Washington, George Washington, and Orville and Wilbur Wright.

Here’s the scoop on E.O. 13933, issued just before:

More disinformation — tRump E.O. 13933 “Protecting Monuments…”

Really, you’ve got to read this, up for Public Inspection, to be published tomorrow. This is baldfaced disinformation about just who was traveling, just who was violent, and reveals just who knows nothing about history — this is shameful:

A snippet of the introduction — OMFD:

Many of the rioters, arsonists, and left-wing extremists who have carried out and supported these acts have explicitly identified themselves with ideologies — such as Marxism — that call for the destruction of the United States system of government.

Anarchists and left-wing extremists have sought to advance a fringe ideology that paints the United States of America as fundamentally unjust and have sought to impose that ideology on Americans through violence and mob intimidation. They have led riots in the streets, burned police vehicles, killed and assaulted government officers as well as business owners defending their property, and even seized an area within one city where law and order gave way to anarchy. During the unrest, innocent citizens also have been harmed and killed.

These criminal acts are frequently planned and supported by agitators who have traveled across State lines to promote their own violent agenda. These radicals shamelessly attack the legitimacy of our institutions and the very rule of law itself.

Jawdroppingly clueless, spewing false information in this “Executive Order.” Idiot, a treasonous pawn.

There’s fomenting happening right now about BLM’s wanting to remove a statue of Lincoln. Here’s the statute at issue:

Minnesota, as of this morning’s report, has had a cumulative 10,088 cases of COVID, with 534 deaths. Reopen? We’re not there yet!

There are a lot of loud demands to “REOPEN” the U.S., for reversal of the Governors’ Executive Orders declaring a “state of emergency” and closing most businesses. These loud demands are from a small minority, and have no basis in science or epidemiology, with no reference to any of the opening up procedures or plans that are out there. Even the White House criteria for reopen hasn’t been met — we have not reached peak here in Minnesota, numbers of confirmed new COVID cases are skyrocketing (again, Minnesota passed 10,000 cumulative cases today), and numbers of daily new cases are not decreasing.

These numbers are is evidence to support a more rigorous STAY HOME, protective measures, constant handwashing is easy enough, and firm enforcement of preventative measures, particularly no groups of folks from other households, and distancing and masking in public.

Here’s the screen shot of White House criteria, past peak and 14 days of decreasing new cases:

White House: Opening Up America Again

There also was a “plan” developed by the CDC that the White House is burying, and it’s not really a “plan,” it’s “Interim Guidelines” for a few types of businesses:

Minnesota’s DEED – Reopening a Business

Minnesota DEED – Can my business be open? Review the  guidance

Minnesota COVID-19 Preparedness Plan template – Word document | PDF

  • Checklist guidelines for creating a COVID-19 Preparedness Plan – Word document | PDF

Wisconsin’s COVID-19 Badger Bounce Back

And here is Target’s plan for use by Target and as guidance for other businesses:

Minnesota Department of Health Guidance

University of Minnesota “Sunrise Plan”

And another, Illinois Gov. Pritzker’s “Restore Illinois” plan

And for those complaining about STAY HOME and the declared State of Emergency, “it’s taking away my rights,” here’s the Michigan decision which explains in clear terms the federal case law precedent and U.S. constitution about a Governor’s powers to protect public safety v. “rights” and “liberty.”

And Wisconsin’s “Reopen Guidelines”

Projected Delaware Phase 1 – June 1

Michigan Court of Claims Opinion and Order

“Free marketers,” duck and cover. And utilities, contractors, get ready… Just in, for Public Inspection, will be released Monday:

The gist of it is that utility infrastructure and equipment should not be coming in from other countries, particularly “adversaries.” Threat? What threat?

From the E.O., p. 2-3:

I further find that the unrestricted acquisition or use in the United States of
bulk-power system electric equipment designed, developed, manufactured, or supplied by persons owned by, controlled by, or subject to the jurisdiction or direction of foreign adversaries augments the ability of foreign adversaries to create and exploit vulnerabilities in bulk-power system electric equipment, with potentially catastrophic effects. I therefore determine that the unrestricted foreign supply of bulk-power system electric equipment constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, which has its source in whole or in substantial part outside the United States. This threat exists both in the case of individual acquisitions and when acquisitions are considered as a class. Although maintaining an open investment climate in bulk-power system electric equipment, and in the United States economy more generally, is important for the overall growth and prosperity of the United States, such openness must be balanced with the need to protect our Nation against a critical national security threat. To address this threat, additional steps are required to protect the security, integrity, and reliability of bulk-power system electric equipment used in the United States. In light of these findings, I hereby declare a national emergency with respect to the threat to the United States bulk-power system.
