Reopen? Plans! Procedures! Criteria!
May 8th, 2020
Minnesota, as of this morning’s report, has had a cumulative 10,088 cases of COVID, with 534 deaths. Reopen? We’re not there yet!
There are a lot of loud demands to “REOPEN” the U.S., for reversal of the Governors’ Executive Orders declaring a “state of emergency” and closing most businesses. These loud demands are from a small minority, and have no basis in science or epidemiology, with no reference to any of the opening up procedures or plans that are out there. Even the White House criteria for reopen hasn’t been met — we have not reached peak here in Minnesota, numbers of confirmed new COVID cases are skyrocketing (again, Minnesota passed 10,000 cumulative cases today), and numbers of daily new cases are not decreasing.
These numbers are is evidence to support a more rigorous STAY HOME, protective measures, constant handwashing is easy enough, and firm enforcement of preventative measures, particularly no groups of folks from other households, and distancing and masking in public.
Here’s the screen shot of White House criteria, past peak and 14 days of decreasing new cases:
White House: Opening Up America Again
There also was a “plan” developed by the CDC that the White House is burying, and it’s not really a “plan,” it’s “Interim Guidelines” for a few types of businesses:
Minnesota’s DEED – Reopening a Business
Minnesota DEED – Can my business be open? Review the guidance
Minnesota COVID-19 Preparedness Plan template – Word document | PDF
- Checklist guidelines for creating a COVID-19 Preparedness Plan – Word document | PDF
Wisconsin’s COVID-19 Badger Bounce Back
And here is Target’s plan for use by Target and as guidance for other businesses:
Minnesota Department of Health Guidance
University of Minnesota “Sunrise Plan”
And another, Illinois Gov. Pritzker’s “Restore Illinois” plan
And for those complaining about STAY HOME and the declared State of Emergency, “it’s taking away my rights,” here’s the Michigan decision which explains in clear terms the federal case law precedent and U.S. constitution about a Governor’s powers to protect public safety v. “rights” and “liberty.”
And Wisconsin’s “Reopen Guidelines”
Projected Delaware Phase 1 – June 1
May 12th, 2020 at 5:49 pm
Thanks for a lot of excellent information.