City discussion of Rules of Order and Procedure
March 7th, 2023
Way way back, we’re talking 2017, the Citizens Assembly issued its report, part of which were suggestions to improve city meetings, that “better meetings” and ethics and the City’s Code of Conduct were the areas that were important to me. Why? Because at the last meeting, a concerted effort was made, through a secret meeting and a Resolution from that meeting, to prohibit virtual participation and to eliminate the Statement of Intent.
Notice who showed up for this workshop and notice who DID NOT show up for this workshop:
Here’s the packet for the meeting:
Everything I say about this is flavored by the LONG time it took to get to this discussion, and the flagrant misbehavior of some Council members, disregard for basic concepts of how government operates and DOESN’T and SHOULDN’T operate, and the dissing of the public. That said…
The discussion was a start. They went through the suggestions I’d offered (because I was the only one who’d offered specific suggestions, a few times over the last SIX YEARS), variations of what I’ve been offering since 2017, and they DID discuss them. For the most part, they have focused on two things.
- Develop “Standard Operating Procedures/Best Practices” explaining how things are done.
- Update the “How to Participate” flyer that’s on the table in the foyer (there should be an announcement of this handout at the beginning of meetings for folks new to appearing).
That’s a start, good to see, and ONWARD!
Here’s the 2/27/2023 City Council Meeting: youtube:
And here’s a transcript of that meeting:
Here’s the City’s Statement of Intent they want to eliminate:
I put together a handout about “Better Meetings” recommendations in Citizens Assembly Event Report for the meeting:
I also made copies of a Letter to the Editor that Alan and I had written following the ejection or resignation of Dennis Egan as Mayor due to conflict of interest, and as Citizens Assembly was discussing ethical issues and the City Code of Conduct, which is so deficient and needs updating. This last Council meeting was a wake up call for update of the Code of Conduct — discovery of the Gang of Four’s secret meeting, two Council members falsely stating and doubling down that it was an Agenda and/or Executive/Leadership committee meeting (plus “COVID is over,” I mean, really?!?!), and for trying to prohibit virtual comments and eliminating the Statement of Intent? I’d like to see Oath of Office committed to at each meeting!
Late-filed Northfield AUAR EAW Scoping Comments
March 3rd, 2023
AAARGH, I just realized that the due date for these Scoping Comments that I wrote on my “Northfield AUAR” file was “3/2/23” and the due date WAS 3/2/23. My brain said 3/3/23 all week long…
Well, sheeeeeeeee-it. Stopped, saved it to PDF, and fired it off. And the date on what I sent was February 21, 2023, when I started. Guess I’d best correct that. OK, done. AAAAAAAAAARGH! These projects that I just dive into, of course not having enough time to devote to it, it’s SO frustrating, but it’s GOT to be done! Guess the good news is that I don’t have a client on this to answer to!!
And this is hugely important, the 2011 Northfield Business and Industrial Plan:
Transcript of 2/27/23 Red Wing City Council mtg
March 1st, 2023
Below is transcript of Public Comment on 10C and Agenda Item 10C (close, but there could be minor errors), with link to youtube of this meeting. See for yourself, read for yourself: