Lukewarm off the press, the USG air permit is up for renewal. It’s regarded as a “major emitter:”

…so it’s important to pay attention if you’re concerned about air quality here in Red Wing, and who isn’t, eh? This is on the MPCA’s website, and from there, hit “Review Documents” that you’ll see in green:

Comment period ends at 4:30 on December 26, and their procedure for comments is pretty specific, an “I don’t like it, I don’t want it” won’t do it, so if you want your comment to count, here ya go:

Procedure for public participation
As stated in Minn. R. chs. 7000 and 7001, there are three formal procedures for public participation in the MPCA’s consideration of this matter. Interested persons may:

1) Submit written comments on the draft permit.
2) Petition the MPCA to hold a public informational meeting.
3) Petition the MPCA to hold a contested case hearing.
Submitting written comments
Comments may be submitted:
1) Online at; or
2) By U.S. postal mail to the following address:
Benton Campbell
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
520 Lafayette Rd
Saint Paul, MN 55155

Submitted comments or petitions must state:
1) Your interest in the permit application or the draft permit.
2) The action you wish the MPCA to take, including specific references to the section of the draft permit you believe should be changed.
3) The reasons supporting your position, stated with sufficient specificity as to allow the MPCA to investigate the merits of the position.

Here;s their NOTICE PAGE, as above, and I’ve also downloaded the documents here:

And the Draft Permit:

And last but most is the Technical Support Document, which won’t make sense to most people, BUT this is what the Draft Air Permit is based on, sooooo… here it is:

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