The Iocco sign is DOWN!

October 16th, 2024

We had the Probable Cause hearing in the Iocco_2024-Campaign-Finance-Complaint. That huge sign was a flagrant violation of Minn. Stat. 211.15, prohibiting corporate contributions. The lease for the sign claimed a $1 charge, but it’s supposed to be market rate, otherwise it’s a corporate campaign contribution.

The ALJ had issued Notice-of-Determination-of-Prima-Facie-Violation-and-Order-For-Probable-Cause-Hearing. Then I missed that hearing, had the wrong conference code and no amount of calling and waiting made it work, grrrrrrrrr. Thankfully the judge did reschedule: Campaign Finance Probable Cause Hrg Rescheduled but left only Dehn Oil as a Respondent, and dismissed Gary Iocco, Gary Iocco for Mayor, and as I’d withdrawn complaint against Wilson Oil as it was Dehn Oil on the lease, received the night before, Wilson wasn’t, technically, involved.

This latest probable cause hearing was Monday. Dehn Oil had hired attorney just that morning, so he wasn’t up to speed, and the judge reluctantly did reschedule. Then after it was adjourned, the attorney and I got on the horn, chatted briefly, we put an agreement together, and we’re DONE! The sign is DOWN! It came down within hours of our talk — when he said “immediately,” he was not kidding. Dehn Oil is out of it, I’ve sent letter to the judge to dismiss Dehn Oil. I really appreciated his attitude, particularly in light of just getting into this matter just a couple hours at best before the hearing, not knowing background, jumping in cold.

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