Last week, I filed a Complaint with Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) regarding Gary Iocco for Mayor and his sign on the roof along Hwy. 61, above. In his Campaign Finance Report, he says he paid big bucks for the sign, but the sign lease was $1. Right… Campaigns are supposed to pay market rate for a sign lease.

Just now, I’ve received the OAH determination of prima facie violation and setting of a probable cause hearing.

There’s a probable cause hearing on THURSDAY! Whew, that’s fast!

Who owns the roof on which the sign is posted? Is it Dehn Oil, the “new” owner of a handful of parcels there, or is it Wilson Oil, which has a corporate HQ on one of that group of parcels?

Turns out, it doesn’t matter to OAH, the complaint goes forward with all 3 Respondents. Which corporation contributed the roof space for the sign and it’ll all come out in the wash.


2 Responses to “OAH’s prima facie determination of violation — Iocco for Mayor campaign”

  1. Alan Muller Says:

    Good work here, per your usual! The present mayor of Red Wing is a disgrace.

  2. T.W. Dat Says:

    Well done. Thank you for “doing something.”

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