And eagle that had been feeding on that possum in the foreground, and it flew up as I approached on 110th St. in rural Freeborn County,

A wind energy company has pleaded guilty after killing at least 150 eagles

What’s really odd about this is that most of the projects that I’ve been dealing with in permitting have secured eagle take permits — I thought. In this case, NextEra seems as a policy not to have take permits. HUH?

I am remembering resistance to developers answering questions about eagle take permits, and I think that it comes down to whether USFWS requires them to get one.

Here’s USFWS info on eagle permits here in the Midwest – it appears that there are only three eagle take permits issued for Minnesota wind projects, Red Pine, Getty/Black Oak, and Pleasant Valley/Grand Meadow:

Midwest Region- NEPA Documents for Eagle Permits

This seems to say that there are only FIVE eagle take permits? Here’s the application for one project that I’d worked on:

Black Oak/Getty Wind Farm Eagle Take Permit Application

For the Freeborn Wind project, we entered information about locations of nests and photos of eagles foraging, nests and foraging territory being, supposedly, two criteria examined in siting of wind projects and consideration of need for take permits:

See Freeborn Wind ALJ Recommendation, and search for “eagle” in the Recommendation.

Methinks this will have significant impact, but sentencing a company to probation — but how does that work?


Recently, I’ve received USFWS responses to our FOIA Requests regarding the Black Oak and Getty wind projects, and there’s a LOT, and I don’t think that it’s made its way into either the Certificate of Need or Siting dockets at the Public Utilities Commission.

To see the PUC Dockets GO HERE TO PUC SEARCH PAGE and then search for dockets 11-471 (CoN), and 10-1240 and 11-831 (siting).

Here’s what we’ve received — it’s not uploading easily, so there’s some duplication and some may not all be included, and I’ll be working on getting this posted today:

Hogeboom_FOIA Cover

5 U.S.C. § 552

43 CFR Part 2 Subpart F (handling conf info)


DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Getty_Black Oak Wind Recent

DNR Letter_Maps



Getty Black Oak Acoustic Report – DNR Comments

Getty Windfarm Early Coordination Response (2)


FWS-2015-00281 C_Overland Partial Release2

Black Oak and Getty Wind Farm Draft ABPP – USFWS Review Comment Letter1

Black Oak ECP General Comments Black Oak Getty Model Information

Black Oak survey points

Black Oak Wind Farm – USFWS Response Letter 3-26-2010 (2)

Black Oak Wind Farm – USFWS Response Letter 3-26-2010

Black Oak Wind Farm – USFWS Review Response Letter (2)

Black Oak Wind Farm – USFWS Review Response Letter

Black Oak Wind Farm Eagle Minutes Black Oak Wind Steinhauer Tails 2009

FA 0145 Black Oak-Getty Agenda 8-30-11 (2)


Davis to Jennings Dewild et al Getty Wind 2010 FA 0068

Davis to Smith Geronimo Black Oak 2009 FA 0145

Davis to Steinhauer – Getty Wind Project Site Permit Application IP6866

WS-11-831 Davis to Steinhauer MN Commerce Energy Security



DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Black Oak Getty eagle minutes

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Black Oak Getty shapefiles

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Black Oak Survey points map

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Black Oak Wind – Catching Up


USFWS Comments – Black Oak and Getty Wind Draft ABPP

RE_ model question5

RVSmry RE_ model question4

RE_ model question3

RE_ model question2

_ RE_ model question5

_ New modeling data

Rescheduled_ Avian Report for Black Oak and Getty Wind Projects (Aug 31 10_00 AM CDT in _COMM_Conference Room 636)

Re_ model question

Re_ Getty Wind Project Site Permit Application IP6866_WS-11-831

Re_ Geronimo Black Oak Eagle Nest

Re_ Geronimo Black Oak Eagle Ne2

Re_ Geronimo Black Oak Eagle Ne

Re_ Geronimo Black Oak and Getty Wind Farm Bald Eagle Discussion

Re_ FW_ Black Oak Wind Farm-Ste

Re_ DNR Comments on Black Oak _ Getty WInd Bat Acoustic Report1

RE_ DNR Comments on Black Oak _ Getty WInd Bat Acoustic Report

Re_ Black Oak_Paynesville Follow Up

RE_ Black Oak_Getty Wind Projects – Data and Model Exchange3

RE_ Black Oak_Getty Wind Projects – Data and Model Exchange1

RE_ Black Oak_Getty Wind Projects – Data and Model Exchange

Re_ Black Oak_Getty Eagle use survey protocol

RE_ Black Oak_Getty Avian Report — potential meeting change3

RE_ Black Oak_Getty Avian Report — potential meeting change2

RE_ Black Oak_Getty Avian Report — potential meeting change1

RE_ Black Oak_Getty Avian Report — potential meeting change

RE_ Avian Report for Black Oak and Getty Wind Projects

RE_ Accepted_ Avian Report for Black Oak and Getty Wind Projects

PUC Docket Number_ IP-6866_WS-11-831 – Getty Wind Project Comments


Paynesville Follo

Letter from Rich Davis, USFWS, re Black Oak Wind Farm Site Permit App Review

Getty Eagle use Getty Avian Maps

Geronimo Black Oak Wildlife Discussion1 Geronimo Black Oak Wildlife Discussion

Geronimo Black Oak and Getty Wind Farm Bald Eagle

Fw_ Getty Wind

FW_ DNR Comments on Black Oak _ Getty WInd Bat Acoustic Report3

FW_ Black Oak Wind Farm-Stearns


DNR Initial Comments Memo – Black Oak_Getty Wind Draft Avian Report


DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Black Oak and Getty Wind

Meeting Summary



CMDataTemplate Black Oak_Getty Wind Avian meeting rescheduled

Black Oak_Getty Agenda for 8-30-11 meeting

Black Oak Wind Farm, Stearns County Black Oak and Getty Bat Study

Black Oak Wind Farm – USFWS Review Response Letter3

Black Oak – Getty Wind ABPP USFWS Comments

Avian Report for Black Oak and Getty Wind Projects

USFWS Meeting Agenda

Triggers for AM at Windfarms_June 18_2014 (1)

template for collision risk model_MR_June18

template for collision risk model

Stearns bird list


Email17_attachment1 EFP_Memo_ABPP_2-27-12

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – RE_ Black Oak_Getty Wind Farm and ECP Guidance – Meeting Agenda

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – quick R question

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Meeting in January 2014 for Black Oak_Getty Wind Farm

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Invitation_ Black Oak chat @ Wed Jul 2, 2014 10am – 11am (margaret_rheude@fws

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Ingrid Schwingler has shared the folder ‘BOGY Information for USFWS’ with you

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Fwd_ Cause of Action FOIA (FWS-2014-01383) – Files Uploaded

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – FW_ DNR Comments on Black Oak _ Getty WInd Bat Acoustic Report

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Final Black Oak and Getty Wind Meeting Notes

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Draft Regional Eagle meeting notes, Wednesday, December 3, 2014


DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Black Oak_Getty Wind Project

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Black Oak_Getty Wind Farm and ECP Guidance

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Black Oak_Getty Model Runs from July 2

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Black Oak_Getty Eagle Conservation Plan


DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Black Oak Wind Farm data

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Black Oak Wind Farm and Getty Wind Project Eagle Monitoring Plan


DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Black Oak Wind – Catching Up

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Black Oak Survey points map

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Black Oak Getty shapefiles

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Black Oak Getty eagle minutes


DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Black Oak and Odell Davis to Steinhauer MN Commerce Energy Securit

Davis to Steinhauer – Getty Wind Project Site Permit Application IP6866 WS-11-831

Davis to Smith Geronimo Black Oak 2009 FA 0145

Davis to Jennings Dewild et al Getty Wind 2010 FA 0068


Meeting_Agenda_Geronimo_BlackOak_20110111 (2)

GOEA vs BAEA for Stearns Getty Tech Rep Memo

FWSModelCode_v4.1_README (1)




DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – RE_ Black Oak_Getty Wind Farm and ECP Guidance – Meeting Agenda

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – quick R question

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Meeting in January 2014 for Black Oak_Getty Wind Farm

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Invitation_ Black Oak chat @ Wed Jul 2, 2014 10am – 11am (margaret_rheude@fws

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Ingrid Schwingler has shared the folder ‘BOGY Information for USFWS’ with you

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Fwd_ Cause of Action FOIA (FWS-2014-01383) – Files Uploaded

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – FW_ DNR Comments on Black Oak _ Getty WInd Bat Acoustic Report

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Final Black Oak and Getty Wind Meeting Notes

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Draft Regional Eagle meeting notes, Wednesday, December 3, 2014


DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Black Oak_Getty Wind Project

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Black Oak_Getty Wind Farm and ECP Guidance

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Black Oak_Getty Model Runs from July 2

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Black Oak_Getty Eagle Conservation Plan


DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Black Oak Wind Farm and Getty Wind Project Eagle Monitoring Plan


DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Black Oak Wind – Catching Up

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Black Oak Survey points map

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Black Oak Getty shapefiles

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Black Oak Getty eagle minutes


DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail – Black Oak and Odell Davis to Steinhauer MN Commerce Energy Securit Davis to Steinhauer – Getty Wind Project Site Permit Application IP6866 WS-11-831

Davis to Smith Geronimo Black Oak 2009 FA 0145

Davis to Jennings Dewild et al Getty Wind 2010 FA 0068

BOGY_BatStudy_Hamer_12172012 Steans Co Wind Farm  Jennisson nest map  Flight path  BOGY turbines Black Oak-Getty Agenda 8-30-11 (2) modeling question4 attachmentRplot


BOGY turbines  MID


The above is a photo taken by Marie McNamara in the footprint of the proposed but beleaguered AWA Goodhue Wind Project.

Today the US Fish & Wildlife Service issued its Wind Siting Guidelines:

USFWS Land-Based Wind Energy Guidelines

I’ve just started reading…

Double trouble for AWA – taken in the AWA Goodhue wind project footprint:


to be clear, there are lots and lots of bald eagles here, and there are documented golden eagles too.  USFWS has said there are no permits available for golden eagles for this project.

ABPP – that’s Avian and Bat Protection Plan:


AWA Goodhue Fall Migration Study

U.S. Fish and Wildlife and the Minnesota Dept. of Natural Resources have filed comments on the Avian and Bat Protection Plan.  These are MUST READ Comments!

USFWS Comments on ABPP

DNR Comments on ABPP

And here is the response to my Data Request to the Board of Animal Health asking for copies of AWA Complaints to Board of Animal Health about Eagle Baiting and the reports of their investigations showing no violations found, that there is no basis for enforcement action:

Response to Data Request – Board of Animal Health

In the AWA Goodhue wind project footprint, T. Boone Pickens is at it again – the helicopters are flying today:


Does that look like 200 feet??  Is it the same one from Brainerd Helicopter Service?

Here they are by the met tower, that’s 197 feet tall,  just enough to keep under the lighting requirement, and the helicopter is just above:


Clients got the call from sheriff and utilized their phone tree to spread the word that AWA Goodhue helicopters would be flying today, notice came in at 10:00 a.m. and helicopter sighted at 10:30 a.m.  Sheriff did a good job in notifying as soon as notice came in, but come on AWA, how about letting the landowners know reasonably ahead of time, report it when you book the helicopter???  It’s not that hard!

Here it is near a communications tower – the lights are out on that tower, somebody call maintenance!



A little birdie told me there was an op-ed in the STrib that I had to read.  Sure enough…

Right here in Minnesota, a windfall of bad policy

The birdie cocked his shining eye and said:

Ok, how cool is it that I now have my answer to the question “what could Carol and Jason Lewis possibly agree on?”

It’s close but not quite. Not by a long shot… and close doesn’t count.   Lewis is not doing anyone any favors with this piece.  He’s agitating by deviating away from the problems with this project, and by unreasonably tying it to selected others, both projects and people, he’s misfiring.  He may get people worked up, but they’ll miss the boat too.

Look at the way he frames sand mine opposition and AWA Goodhue Wind Project opposition, and his claim that “environmental activists” are stopping the fracking sand mine, but ignoring the on the ground environmental activists who are tracking, (photo)shooting eagles, pulling in USFWS to document the eagles.  And he’s framing mine opposition and AWA Goodhue wind opposition as separate universes when there are many opposed to both and for a variety of reasons.   He also frames it as a partisan issue when it is not — there’s strong bi-partisan support for wind.  There is strong bi-partisan opposition to wind.  Has he forgotten that the Green Chameleon was a champion of wind, coal gasification, and transmission?  Has he forgotten that Republican House Speaker Steve Sviggum bought in hook, line and sinker and promoted wind generally and C-BED specifically, that the 2005 Energy Omnibus Bill from Hell couldn’t have passed without him, and look at the way it turned out… somehow the plans for the first C-BED wind project out the chute had a turbine and substation on Sviggum’s land???  What, Lewis didn’t forget… he didn’t know?  Oh, right… uh-huh… oh, my…

And he ends on this note, which is blatant misrepresentation:

… silica sand mining (primarily used to make glass) has been a fact of life in the upper Mississippi Valley for as long as anyone can remember. In fact, there are sand- and gravel-mining operations in every county in Minnesota, according to the state Department of Natural Resources.

Really!!!  And there’s no mention of the Wabasha County silica sand mine moratorium, begun a couple months ago. Statements like that don’t do anything for his credibility, and don’t help us get any closer to a turn-around of the PUC decision.

I do trust my “little birdie” doesn’t really think Jason Lewis is expressing my take on this!!!

Here’s the whole thing, get out the waders:

Right here in Minnesota, a windfall of bad policy

September 17, 2011 – 3:32 PM

Wind-energy projects are damaging to nature, to taxpayers and to residents, but onward they buzz.

If you want to know what’s wrong with the nation’s energy policy, look no further than Goodhue County, Minn.

Environmental activists are blocking a job-creating and profitable sand-mining operation that is vital to the newest energy technology that’s releasing copious amounts of shale gas and oil from far beneath the Earth’s surface. Meanwhile, the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission is ramming through a taxpayer-subsidized, 78-megawatt wind farm that promises little in the way of abundant or affordable power.

Indeed, were it not for the sophistry of the political entrepreneurs behind America’s newfound obsession with wind, the citizens of Goodhue County might be casting their lot with the likes of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., last seen chasing wind developers out of Hyannis Port. They might also be enjoying the economic benefits of domestic energy exploration.

Instead, it now appears that residents justifiably alarmed with the placing of more than 300 massive wind turbines in their back yards have but one last chance to stop the Texas-based AWA Goodhue Wind project.

The county is asking for reconsideration of the PUC’s June site permit allowing T. Boone Pickens to dump his surplus of GE wind turbines in Minnesota after similar plans in the Lone Star State failed a basic test of supply and demand. Let’s hope, for the taxpayers’ sake, that it succeeds.

Pickens, who has a knack for publicizing energy policies that coincidentally include his own projects is set to cash in on both federal and state subsidies for going “green” in Goodhue.

Thanks in part to Democratic U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s dogged effort in extending federal “renewable energy credits,” AWA Goodhue will no doubt share in the $23-per-megawatt-hour “windfall” reaped by solar and wind projects nationally.

Oh, and in case you’re wondering, the Energy Information Administration reports that, by comparison, subsidies for coal and natural gas come in at just 44 and 25 cents per megawatt hour, respectively.

It gets worse.

State Rep. Tim Kelly, R-Red Wing, is calling on the PUC to decertify the project as a Community Based Energy Development eligible for the Minnesota’s CBED tariff (read rate hike) in the Power Purchasing Agreement between Xcel Energy and AWA Goodhue — if for no other reason that the word “community” in this case statutorily means based in Minnesota, not Texas.

The Minnesota PUC, like successive Republican and Democratic administrations, seems hellbent on ending local control over wind developments that swallow up thousands of acres, relying instead on the state’s renewable energy standards.

Enacted under the euphemistic title of “next-generation energy” legislation in 2007, the ill-advised mandate means that Minnesota utilities are now busy passing along the costs to ratepayers.

Because generating power from wind is about as reliable as, well, the weather, utilities will still need to pay for steadier sources as backup. As a result, a Beacon Hill Institute study says the average Minnesota household will have paid an extra $1,814 for electricity by the time the standards are fully implemented.

Regardless of the economics, it’s becoming quite obvious that these mammoth wind developments are every bit as damaging to Mother Nature as anything the fossil-fuel industry could dream up.

For the price of intermittent power, nearby homeowners put up with 400-foot towers with flashing lights; high-voltage transmission lines; flickering shadows from 95-foot rotors, along with the potential for dangerous ice shards flying off the blades during winter, and near-constant high- and low-frequency background noise disturbing to the human ear.

Estimates vary as to how many birds are slaughtered each year due to wind power, but it’s certainly in the tens of thousands.

The Washington Post reports that “one of the nation’s largest wind farms, the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area near Livermore, Calif., has killed an average of nearly 2,000 raptors annually, including more than 500 eagles, over four years, according to federal agencies and bird watchers.” Hardly good news for the bald eagle along the Mississippi flyway for migratory birds.

Where’s the Endangered Species Act when you need it?

Meanwhile, hope for a more-sensible energy future remains hostage to a few activists who get their talking points from movies like “Gasland” (environmentalists used to love natural gas until they realized you had to drill for it). Hydraulic fracturing, known pejoratively as “fracking,” has the potential to dramatically alter America’s economic landscape by lowering the costs of domestic energy production.

The Rand Corp. (a nonprofit research organization) says there are 800 billion barrels of recoverable shale oil — three times the reserves of Saudi Arabia — in the United States alone. Remarkably, “if the full potential of domestic oil and gas production could be achieved while also increasing imports from Canadian oil, all of America’s liquid fuels could come from secure North American sources within 15 years,” notes the American Petroleum Institute in a study released last week.

One key component of fracture drilling is silica sand, ubiquitous in the sandstone bluffs throughout southeastern Minnesota. That’s why another Texas company, Windsor Permian, wants to start constructing sand mines and transportation facilities in and around Red Wing for its operations in the lucrative Permian basin. And it plans to do it with no “renewable energy credits” or state CBED tariffs.

It seems that something which is viable needs no subsidy — while all the subsidies in the world won’t make viable that which isn’t.

Alas, the Goodhue County Board adopted a one-year de facto moratorium on the Windsor project earlier this month, despite the fact that silica sand mining (primarily used to make glass) has been a fact of life in the upper Mississippi Valley for as long as anyone can remember. In fact, there are sand- and gravel-mining operations in every county in Minnesota, according to the state Department of Natural Resources.

No matter, because for now our energy future is just blowin’ in the wind.

* * *

Jason Lewis is a nationally syndicated talk-show host based in Minneapolis-St. Paul and is the author of “Power Divided is Power Checked: The Argument for States’ Rights” from Bascom Hill Publishing. He can be heard from 5 to 8 p.m. weekdays on NewsTalk Radio (1130 AM) or online at