State Journal reporter Judy Newman contributed to this report.
2021 PJM State of Market Report
March 10th, 2022
Here it is:
PJM 2021 State of the Market Report
Note that where NERC does not project a significant decrease in coal production, PJM’s coal generation increased from 2020 to 2021 (now we do need to keep in mind that 2020 was a very low demand year):
Here’s an overall summary:
The big takeaway is that demand has increased over 2020, which is no surprise. Note the “Average Hourly Load” and “Average Hourly Generation” and compare with “Installed Capacity.” Capacity is essentially twice Average Hourly Load and Average Hourly generation (and note exports and imports are included).
And just for shits and giggles, here’s the PJM LOCATIONAL MARGINAL PRICING MAP!
And here’s MISO’s too:
What it looks like right now in MISO:
And even more transmission?
April 10th, 2021

We’ve seen increased promotion of even more transmission, with claims it’s NEEDED, sorely needed, to reach renewable goals. What utter crap…
We’ve also seen “Grid North Partners” spreading their misinformation, working on making a “CapX 2050” happen.
Do we really need to do this AGAIN?!?!?!
Apparently, they think we do… sigh…
This appeared recently, an article linked to this blurb, and it’s disturbing:
Right… read it and get ready for another decade long fight. I figure I’ve got that long and more, so let’s get to it! Are you ready?

Transition… transmission… transition… transmission…
ATC/ITC/Dairyland’s Cardinal-Hickory Creek Transmission
May 17th, 2016
Be there or be square — transmission open houses in eastern Iowa near Dubuque and southwestern Wisconsin near Cassville.
Monday, May 16 –
Peosta Community Center
7896 Burds Road
Peosta, IA 52068Tuesday, May 17 –
Pioneer Lanes
1185 US (Business) 151
Platteville, WI 53818Wednesday, May 18 –
Deer Valley Lodge
401 West Industrial Drive
Barneveld, WI 53507Thursday, May 19 –
Deer Valley Lodge
401 West Industrial Drive
Barneveld, WI 53507
Where’s Art Hughes when you need him??
Art Hughes has died… March 31st, 2009
Days before he died, Art Hughes was testifying in Peosta against an ITC transmission line heading east to Peosta, here’s the photo from that hearing, and the article about it is in the “Art Hughes has died…” link above.
And now they’re doing another round of open houses, yesterday in Peosta, IA. Wherefore Art thou? Well, Art, where are you? I guess they remember him, because this time it’s “open house” and not a meeting/hearing. These “open houses” are held by ATC, ITC, and Dairyland about its plan for the Cardinal-Hickory Creek Transmission Project. This project is the southern part of the “5” project on the MISO MVP project map below, from the Hickory Creek substation (near Dubuque) to the Cardinal substation (near Madison)(the northern part of 5 is the Xcel/ATC Badger Coulee line). It’s one of the transmission lines that fills in the 345 kV transmission gaps to enable North & South Dakota to Chicago bulk power transfer.
Once more with feeling: Open House Schedule — each starts at 4 p.m. and goes until 7 p.m. (hello, ITC, it’s planting season, how convenient!):
Monday, May 16 –
Peosta Community Center
7896 Burds Road
Peosta, IA 52068Tuesday, May 17 –
Pioneer Lanes
1185 US (Business) 151
Platteville, WI 53818Wednesday, May 18 –
Deer Valley Lodge
401 West Industrial Drive
Barneveld, WI 53507Thursday, May 19 –
Deer Valley Lodge
401 West Industrial Drive
Barneveld, WI 53507
Not-so-Great Northern Transmission Line Comments
January 16th, 2013
Comments were due today on Minnesota Power’s request for Exemptions from the rules governing content of Applications for a Certificate of Need for a transmission line.
Look at the red on that map — potentially affected areas where MP is looking to put a transmission line. WOOOOO-EEEE, that’s a lot of land!
Minnesota Power’s proposed Great Northern Transmission Line is inching along in the Certificate of Need process. Here’s Minnesota Power’s site:
And to look at the full docket, go to, click on “Search eDockets” and search for 12-1163. The application is expected sometime in March or so, but I’d guess it will be later.
Here’s how they plan to let people know about the project — it was filed a while ago, Comments were due, and I tried and tried to get people to comment, oh well, here’s what was filed about the Notice Plan filed in October and the Comments filed in November:
That’s sitting at the PUC now. So where are we? Just starting out… Here’s a diagram of the hoops for the PUC process, edited a bit by yours truly for handouts at the meetings a couple months ago, we’re at the very first box in the chart:
Today, comments were due on the Minnesota Power request for Exemptions from some specific rules, Reply Comments, that is. Here’s what’s been filed:
Minnesota Power Exemption Request
Obama’s Transmission BS in the News
October 5th, 2011
What does Obama’s transmission “streamlining” “fast track” agenda mean for states’ authority over need for and routing of transmission?
What does Obama’s transmission “streamlining” “fast track” agenda mean for federal agencies charges with NEPA environmental review of these transmission projects?
What does Obama’s transmission “streamlining” “fast track” agenda mean for public participation and due process?
Does Obama have a clue how many landowners/voters are affected by CapX 2020?
These are TWO of my transmission projects he’s targeting, TWO, the CapX 2020 Hampton-LaCrosse transmission line and the Susquehanna-Roseland transmission line. Here’s the Dept. of Interior Press Release:
Obama Administration Anounces Job-Creation Grid Modernization Pilot Projects
Susquehanna-Roseland in the news:
Obama backs power line upgrade that passes through Morris County
I guess we know why he was in Cannon Falls… at least part of it… I hate to think what else might have been on the agenda.
Here’s what’s flying out in the press about Obama’s Transmission Toadyism and CapX 2020, many are pretty much just a cut and paste of the White House press release:
Rochester Post Bulletin: Obama Administration to fast track CapX 2020, other power-line projects
Minnesota Public Radio: Obama seeks fast track for powerlines in Minn., elsewhere
Here’s one with some substance:
Feds step up power line projects in 12 states, including one in Wisconsin
Once more with feeling:
What does Obama’s transmission “streamlining” “fast track” agenda mean for states’ authority over need for and routing of transmission?
What does Obama’s transmission “streamlining” “fast track” agenda mean for federal agencies charges with NEPA environmental review of these transmission projects?