Today – Public Hearings on Xcel’s Hiawatha Project
October 10th, 2011
Today are the public hearings for the Xcel Energy Hiawatha Project Certificate of Need for a transmission line through the Phillips Neighborhood.
Read the testimony, and check out Appendix A of the Application! To look at everything that’s been filed in this docket, go to and then click the blue “Search eDockets” button and search for docket 10-694.
The Routing docket Intervenors fought hard to get legislation passed to require a Certificate of Need for this project and they got it. But here we are at the end of the Certificate of Need proceeding, and not a single one of them intervened in this Certificate of Need docket. THERE ARE NO INTERVENORS! So it’s up to the public to ask the questions and demand the answers.
Monday, October 10, 2011
2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.
Plaza Verde, 1516 East Lake Street
Minneapolis, MN 55407
Be there or be square!
Hiawatha Transmission Project Update
June 2nd, 2009
Xcel’s Hiawatha Transmission Project, through the heart of the Phillips neighborhood in Minneapolis, was on the PUC’s agenda last Thursday. I had some deadline or other and couldn’t go, but here’s what happened:
Of course MOES thought everything was just ducky…
Midtown Greenway filed a Comment:
There was no Petition for a Contested Case filed, but a Contested Case was ordered because Xcel has taken the mandatory Contested Case route. There were no Petitions to Intervene… There was only ONE comment filed…
Here’s the PUC’s Order:
Here’s the Dept. of Commerce’s view of Scoping for the full-blown Environmental Impact Statement:
So there we are… Bill Storm of MOES is assuming that it’s an EIS we’re doing, that’s a good thing. Check the DRAFT scope, though, and note how narrow it is.
There’s a public meeting for scoping (hmmmm… I wonder if I got notice… $50 says no — Bill says yes, and where’s the $50, but, “It would be WRONG,” she says, speaking into the lampshade…):
DOE-MOES – Notice of EIS Scoping Meeting
Thursday, June 18, 2009 – 6:oo p.m.
Midtown Global Market
920 East Lake St.
Mpls, MN
Comments accepted until July 10, 2009
Send to:
Bill Storm, Project Manager
MN Dept of Commerce
85 – 7th Place East, Suite 500
St. Paul, MN 55101
OK, folks, get to work!
- Now’s the time to read the application (Xcel’s Hiawatha Project Page HERE) and draft a Comment about what should be included in the EIS.
- Now’s the time to put in your requests to be on the Citizens Advisory Task Force
- Now’s the time to Petition to Intervene! (well, it’s not to late… YET…)
Xcel’s Hiawatha Project is getting closer…
April 9th, 2009
The Hiawatha Project, Xcel’s transmission line vision/nightmare for Phillips Community in South Minneapolis, is getting closer, moving forward toward an application.
Go to that page and sign up for notices and info if you haven’t already!
Here’s what just came over the wire from RaeLynn S. Asah, Xcel:
You have been previously contacted regarding the Hiawatha project and have expressed interest in keeping up to date on the status of the project.
We are currently finalizing the Route Permit application for the Hiawatha project and plan to file later this month.
As we have been preparing the application, we have been including input from the community on concerns about the project:
* The application will include four possible transmission line route locations and five design options, including the two underground route options that have been discussed (along 28th Street and 29th Street).
* We are including alternative locations for both the Midtown and the Hiawatha substations.
* We are including copies of the various resolutions in the application that reflect the concerns raised by various entities in the area.As part of the filing requirements, various City and County staff and representatives receive copies of the application along with copies at the local library. The filing will also be available on the Minnesota Public Utilities Commissions (PUC) web site (Docket # E002/TL-0938) and on our website. However, given your past involvement, we expect you would may a copy of the application. We would prefer to limit the number of paper copies we print to those that prefer that type of document. We will also provide a CD version to those who prefer that option.
Xcel Energy is committed to working with the community to the extent possible and fully encourages everyone to become involved in the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) process, which is open to all interested parties and individuals. The best way to ensure your organization and constituents stay apprised of project developments is to register with the PUC to be on their mailing list. You can do this by calling the PUC directly as requesting to be included on the mailing list for project docket #E002/TL-0938.
Please contact me as soon as possible to let me know if you would like a copy of the application, the type of document (paper or CD) and the number of copies.
Please feel free to contact me directly, all of my contact information is listed below.
RaeLynn S. Asah | Permitting Analyst | Siting and Land Rights | Transmission, Flr 8 | Xcel Energy | 250 Marquette Ave | Minneapolis MN 55401 | o: 612-330-6512 | fax: 612-573-4011