
Mayor Egan, where is your letter of resignation?  Send him an email and ask him!

And the City Council too!,,,,,,

After telling City Council members over the weekend that he’d be resigning, at the City Council meeting last week, Mayor Egan said he’d be turning in his letter of resignation on Tuesday.  That didn’t happen.
Then “the Mayor came in at the end of last week and said he would be getting it to us on Monday (today).”  Yet it’s not been seen.

Out with it, Mayor Egan, resign!

How hard is it to write a letter of resignation?  How hard is it to follow through on something?  How hard is it to keep your word?

Looks like the City Council should proceed with that investigation, and remove you from office, since you’re not following through on your promises of resignation.

breaktime(that’s dear departed Kenya doggy in front of the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant back in 2004 or so)

Uprate Xcel Energy’s Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant?  I think not…

Today was the deadline for filing comments to Xcel Energy’s Changed Circumstances Petition.  Here it is:

Xcel Petition – Changed Circumstances

And what’s been filed so far:

Commerce Comments (yawn)

City of Red Wing (misses the boat, doesn’t address need, only $$$)

Prairie Island Indian Community – BULLS EYE!!! Very well done!

And Alan and I filed joint Comments:

Muller and Overland Comment – we did the math!


Xcel not happy camper

April 1st, 2009


April Fools!  Well, maybe not…

The Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant uprate and dry cask docket is sparking a bit, warm, and maybe getting hot!

Just in, this Xcel Energy response to City of Red Wing’s Intervention and request for extension of schedule:

Xcel letter to ALJ Luis – April 1, 2009

Here’s Red Wing’s Motion, filed with their Intervention, that’s got Xcel hopping:

Motion to Amend First Prehearing Order

In Xcel’s letter, you can feel them jumping and twitching…



And what do you see waaaaay in the background?  Why, it’s the Prairie Island nuclear plant!  It’s been there so long that now they want to relicense it, but at the state, there’s an uprate and dry cask docket, and so there’s a state proceeding, not that there’s much chance of impact, but it’s there…

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