tRump’s latest survey!

March 11th, 2018

tRump’s latest email survey (which as always is followed by an ask, presumably to pay his mounting legal bills).  I love to give him a piece of my mind, but what I don’t understand is why they keep me on the list.  The money begging emails are daily, sometimes twice daily.  Heard he was hiring impeachment counsel, has that happened?

Who would give money to this grifter?  DOH!


Listening to America 2018



Pipeline shut down in PA

March 8th, 2018

Look at those nice calm colors that make this look so innocuous… GUESS AGAIN!

The Pennsylvania Public Utilities Commission has ordered the Mariner East Pipeline Project shut down.

PUC orders Sunoco pipeline shutdown after sinkholes expose bare pipe near Exton

Here’s the project site:

Pipeline Information Center

And PA site:

Mariner East II – PA DEP –

And a photo of the sinkhole site, right in the middle of a neighborhood:


And another:

PA Environmental Daily Blog – fair use

And it’s “Energy Transfer Partners” on this one:

Mariner East 1 natural gast pipeline was temporarily idled due to sinkholes near work on Mariner East 2 – Pittsburgh Business Times


It’s out, the PJM Monitoring Analytics “State of the Market” report.  Check the pages at the very beginning for info about “external subsidies” and proposed subsidization of uneconomic nuclear generation.

Important factoid – peak demand down 4.3%

Here’s the 2017 State of the Market Report:

Volume I
Volume I (2MB PDF) contains the introduction.

Volume II
Volume II (14MB PDF) contains detailed analysis and results.

Check out the real-time PJM Locational Marginal Pricing map:

Photo of TNT, LLC truck cab taken at the scene

On Thursday, just as we were leaving the hearing for the Freeborn Wind project at the Albert Lea Armory, a large chunk of ice flew off one of the Bent Tree turbines and hit the drivers side of a truck going south on Hwy. 13 towards Albert Lea.  Put a scratch and lite dent in the door, and took a big chunk out of the faring near the gas cap.  That’s a big piece of plastic that costs way, way too much to replace.

A chunk of ice also hit the Langrud’s shop nearby.  Others???

The ice last week was unreal, I’ve never experienced that level of ice coating my vehicle as last Monday, it was raining all the way from Red Wing to Albert Lea, and in places it was an inch thick.  I can just imagine how it was caked on the turbines.

It’s been reported in both the Albert Lea Tribune and KAAL TV 6:

Complaint: Ice From Freeborn Co. Wind Turbine Hit Semi – KAAL

Turbines temporarily shut down after ice … – Albert Lea Tribune

And here is the letter sent by Alliant/Wisconsin Power & Light Company regarding the ice throw:

20182-140446-01_Letter Bent Tree


KAAL’s star witness!

It’s over, only two days, well, three, the public hearing was on Tuesday, lots and lots of people attended and spoke up.

This was before the public hearing started, and not long after it started they added two more sections o seating over on our side to my right.  It was a god crowd, articulate and well spoken.

The AP article about this project is all over the country.

New rebellion against wind energy stalls or stops projects:

St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Santa Cruz Sentinal

Porterville Recorder

Billings Gazette (lots of photos!)

Washington Post

The Oklahoman

El Defensor Chieftain

Seattle Times

Cache Valley Daily News

Enough, you get the idea…