Ice throw from turbine hits truck cab!
February 24th, 2018
Photo of TNT, LLC truck cab taken at the scene
On Thursday, just as we were leaving the hearing for the Freeborn Wind project at the Albert Lea Armory, a large chunk of ice flew off one of the Bent Tree turbines and hit the drivers side of a truck going south on Hwy. 13 towards Albert Lea. Put a scratch and lite dent in the door, and took a big chunk out of the faring near the gas cap. That’s a big piece of plastic that costs way, way too much to replace.
A chunk of ice also hit the Langrud’s shop nearby. Others???
The ice last week was unreal, I’ve never experienced that level of ice coating my vehicle as last Monday, it was raining all the way from Red Wing to Albert Lea, and in places it was an inch thick. I can just imagine how it was caked on the turbines.
It’s been reported in both the Albert Lea Tribune and KAAL TV 6:
Complaint: Ice From Freeborn Co. Wind Turbine Hit Semi – KAAL
Turbines temporarily shut down after ice … – Albert Lea Tribune
And here is the letter sent by Alliant/Wisconsin Power & Light Company regarding the ice throw:
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