August 20th, 2020

OH HAPPY DAY! tRump’s buddy and mastermind Steve Bannon has been arrested for fraud. The dominos are starting to fall…
Steve Bannon charged with fraud over Mexico wall funds
And not just arrested, but arrested by USPS Postal Inspectors!
Steve Bannon Is Charged With Fraud in ‘We Build the Wall’ Campaign
Mr. Bannon was arrested early Thursday in Connecticut by U.S. postal inspectors and brought to Manhattan where he faced charges in a two-count indictment unsealed in federal district court. He was expected to appear before a U.S. magistrate judge in New York later in the day.
As tRump’s mastermind, his “advisor,” there has got to be a connection sufficient to pull tRump in.
GOP Report on Russian interference in 2016 election
August 18th, 2020

Released today, ~1,000 page report produced by GOP that substantiates Russian interference in the 2016 election. Well, DOH! But the yahoos in the Senate, the knowing yahoos, voted to acquit?
Anyway, the admission is what’s important, as are the many details. And for sure, out with them all!!
Primary document!! Full report at the link:
And the pdf, guess it’s not too big to load!
GAO – Wolf & Cuccinelli appt. not valid!
August 14th, 2020

Remember the recent Department of Homeland Security invasion of Portland, and threats of invasions of so many other cities recently? Turns out that yes, Wolf and Cuccinelli were not legally calling the shots at DHS! From the report, “the subsequent appointments of Under Secretary for Strategy, Policy, and Plans, Chad Wolf and Principal Deputy Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Ken Cuccinelli were also improper because they relied on an amended designation made by Mr. McAleenan.”
It’s official, the GAO report is out:
Is this a hoot or what!!! Now, get rid of them! Note that regarding their improper appointment, it’s being forwarded to Inspector General, to determine who should be serving and CONSEQUENCES for their actions!

Here’s the caveat about the charge to GAO and their forwarding this mess to the Inspector General:
PJM’s State of Market for 1st 1/2 of 2020
August 14th, 2020

PJM’s “independent” Monitoring Analytics (don’t know how independent it really is) has released its State of the Market report for the first two quarters of 2020, and there are some most interesting observations in this report. First, here’s the report:
The intro is astounding for the admissions about the electric market, decreased demand, and coal’s role:

That’s from page 2 of the PJM 2Q SoM Report.
Much of this new world is due to COVID, but the changes you see were in the works prior to COVID, which hit primarily starting 2nd Quarter. Demand has been lessening for a long time (the big increase circa 2003-2005 was when PJM territory expanded). Note that unlike MISO, it’s not strictly summer peaking, three peaks were in winter!

The histrionic squeals of “freezing in the dark on a respirator without a job” … or is it “in an incubator without a job,” either way, those fears did not materialize, and with the billions of dollars in transmission based on those hyped-up fears, where are we now? Another day older and deeper in debt…

And if you need wallpaper, do put up the LMP maps:
MISO: (something weird is going in MISO, the entire upper half is YELLOW!
Contact USPS Inspector General
August 14th, 2020

UPDATE — keep those complaints rolling in:
Exclusive: Postal service inspector general reviewing DeJoy’s policy changes and potential ethics conflicts
There have been articles saying that “the agency was prohibiting overtime and that postal workers should leave mail behind at processing plants if it would cause them to leave late.”
There has been tRump saying, admitting, he’s using funding of USPS as a weapon. From the Guardian, “Trump admits he is undermining USPS to make it harder to vote by mail.”
Trump said on Thursday that congressional negotiations over stimulus aid were held up in part because of Democratic proposals to provide $3.6bn to states to run elections and $25bn in aid to the postal service. The president, who has falsely claimed that widespread mail-in voting will lead to fraud, suggested that without the funding it would be harder to vote by mail.
“They need that money in order to have the post office work so it can take all of these millions and millions of ballots,” Trump said in an interview with Fox Business’s Maria Bartiromo. “If they don’t get those two items, that means you can’t have universal mail-in voting because they’re not equipped to have it.”
There is no doubt that Louis DeJoy, Postmaster General, has a conflict of interest, well… MANY:
Fact check: New postmaster general invested in Postal Service competitors
That alone should be enough to have him ejected. Yet there he is!
Warren and other top Democrats ask USPS watchdog to investigate practices
Specifically related to voting by mail and delays until after close of polls, there is this:
Management Alert – Timeliness of Ballot Mail in the Milwaukee P&DC Service Area and for details, Read full report HERE.
I found this, “Expedited to Street Afternoon Sortation,” which does support the claim of process and procedural changes that would result in delays. By delaying sorting until afternoon, that sets back delivery by a day at least:

There have been verified reports of mailboxes being removed, and of mail sorting machines being removed, though it looks as though this is a response to the drop in snail mail, which does make sense to me, so I don’t regard this as another problematic issue. Does anyone go to a corner mailbox anymore? Why when you can just clip mail to your home mailbox? Methinks this is a non-issue.
What to do? It seems Congress has to act, but with the Senate stonewalling, then what? The House did send a letter, our Rep. Angie Craig signed, but it was sent to Postmaster General DeJoy, which he probably will put in the circular file:
Seems to me the thing to do is to contact the Inspector General at the United States Postal Service!
File a Complaint – FORM IS HERE!
Contact the USPS Board of Governors:

Making it easy, just cut and paste:,,,,,
And contact your Senators and Representative and get them to file a Complaint!
Gotta do something, and it’s not the sort of thing that buying stamps will cure. But here’s the link for stamps, what the hell, buy some stamps, send out some “How are you?” COVID notes: