E.O. 13925 Preventing Online Censorship
June 3rd, 2020

Here he is trying to frame fact-checks and twit blocks that expose his Liar-in-Chief ways as “censorship.” Good grief…
And what does this Executive Order really mean? Here’s the “Public Inspection” version, released just before it’s official:
70,000 – 75,000 agitators?
June 2nd, 2020

Where on earth to they get the idea that there would be 70-75 THOUSAND people coming in? Boogalooers aren’t that many. They’re LOUD but few.
This kind of thing also fans the rumor mill flames, like the yahoos in Cottage Grove saying “THE BLACK PANTHERS ARE COMING” and that “rioters are coming to burn down the Cottage Grove High School because Chauvin went there!” Do you really think that anyone gives a rodent’s rump where Chauvin went to high school? People saying “rioters are coming to Red Wing on Saturday!” Let’s have a little sense, critical thinking, sourcing, and reflection.