Keystone pipeline shut down!
November 8th, 2019

Keystone XL Pipeline has been shut down by the U.S. Dept. of Transportation after it ruptured and covered part of North Dakota in oil.
Keystone pipeline oil leak
Keystone Pipeline Spill Hardens Landowner Opposition to Proposed Expansion
Well, DOH! Here’s the DOT’s Order:
Bottom line, it’s shut down, with a laundry list of issues to address:

Do note that they’ve only shut down a “segment” of it, the part between the Edinberg Pump Station and the Niagara Pump Station, in North Dakota. Without that segment, however, well, there’s not much happening on the pipeline…
Jessica Salinas, bad move…
November 8th, 2019

Fraud, forgery, identify theft… not a good idea. SO glad you were not successful. Hope it gets even worse for you and that the police are knocking on your door soon!
Empire Builder Investments Application
November 4th, 2019

DEEP BREATHE EVERYONE. This project hasn’t got a chance in hell!
Received a response from the DNR, and bottom line on the Empire Builder Investments/Progressive Rail project to draw water in Dakota County is:

Kinda says it all, don’t cha think?!?!
Here are the primary documents sent by the DNR, the quote above is from the Preliminary Assessment:
And the DNR Commissioner’s statement: