MN Biennial Xmsn Plan
October 31st, 2019
Here it is:
There’s no map in this plan! But there is this:

As if the CapX 2020 boondoggle predicated on 2.49% annual demand growth wasn’t enough, now this? A repeat performance? Over my dead polar bear…
USDA’s RUS requests Comments on C-HC
October 30th, 2019

The USDA’s Rural Utilities Service has issued the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Cardinal-Hickory Creek transmission project.
In the Wisconsin State Journal:
Cardinal-Hickory Creek: Feds favor OK for power line to cross Mississippi River wildlife refuge
And the USDA’s Notice:

And here’s what to look at, Volumes 1-4 of the EIS… did they do a good job? Is the FEIS adequate? Let them know what you think.
Final Environmental Impact Statement – October 2019
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4
Send to:
Irresponsible PG&E — make PG&E public!
October 30th, 2019

PG&E has been shutting off power to hundreds of thousands of Californians as its response to fires started by their powerlines:

And here’s a PG&E spreadsheet of outages: PG&E Get the data
Transmission lines causing fires is nothing new. After deregulation circa 2000, failure to maintain transmission lines and easement clearing was the cause of the August 2003 blackout that took out much of the Eastern Interconnect:
NERC’s August 2003 Northeast Blackout page
Do explain… why is utility failure to do their job an issue today? Why is PG&E allowed to get away with this, after the 2003 revelations of impact of failure to maintain lines and easements (a logical impact of deregulation, cut corners in every way possible to increase profit and return to shareholders)? Why is PG&E allowed to get away with this after PG&E admittedly caused the Camp Fire?
California Says PG&E Power Lines Caused Camp Fire That Killed 85
From the article:
PG&E previously said that it recognized “that more must be done to adapt to and address the increasing threat of wildfires and extreme weather” and that it was stepping up inspections, tree trimming and maintenance.
So what do they do? This year they admit even more:
PG&E says its equipment may have caused 9 CA fires in 2019.
From that article:
The utility company acknowledged that its equipment may also be the source of the May 29 Spearhead Fire in Fresno County, which burned ten acres. That fire was ignited when a dead tree toppled into a power line. PG&E crews had done maintenance in that area the previous month, but did not trim or remove the 60-foot tree because it was 45 feet away from the line, outside of the legally mandated maintenance zone.
PG&E’s solution? File bankruptcy and shut off hundreds of thousands of people’s electricity.
PG&E failed to cut hundreds of trees close to powerlines
What? From that article:
Under intense pressure to reduce wildfire risk this summer, PG&E Corp. failed to notice that its tree-trimming contractors neglected to chop down hundreds of trees growing dangerously close to power lines, a court-appointed monitor told the federal judge overseeing PG&E’s criminal probation this week.
In one case, a tree trimming contractor falsified records, and the utility never noticed, according to a report filed in U.S. District Court in San Francisco.
The findings could spell yet more trouble for California’s largest electric utility, which filed for bankruptcy in January after its power lines were blamed for sparking wildfires that killed dozens of people since 2017. PG&E has embarked on a massive tree trimming effort across its vast service area in response, spending hundreds of millions of dollars.
File bankruptcy? How evasive can you get? But then again, corporations no longer have any legal responsibility to serve the public interest. This was one of the most infuriating examples of what’s wrong with our society that was hammered home in “Corporations I” in law school.

PG&E is already facing criminal action in connection with the 2015 San Bruno gas explosion, convicted of 6 felonies, and is on probation… that’s the venue where PG&E admitted it likely caused so many California fires.
The NTSB eventually determined the disaster had resulted from a lethal combination of PG&E’s shoddy maintenance and flawed record keeping, along with lax oversight by the PUC.
Bankruptcy when faced with responsibility for the “Camp Fire” fire is just evasion. It’s time for JAIL!
More importantly, it’s time to turn PG&E over to the public, to revoke its corporate charter and reform as a PUBLIC utility, and get to work on the issues PG&E is neglecting in its focus on profits for shareholders, and to work in the public interest.
Check out this article
Corporations and the Public Interest
A look at how the originally purpose behind corporate charters has been lost
In short, a few snippets, looking at the balance of limited liability and public interest:
This social role for enterprise, a residue of pre-market society, acted as a necessary ballast and brake to the market. The dispersal of this ballast – including the physical setting of enterprise, the old Main Streets – has helped bring about the growing social chaos.
When the author was tasked with looking at the corporate charter of a railroad:
The author has suggestions, here are the two most important:
Individual Responsibility: Executives of large publicly-held corporations should not be able to hide behind the corporate veil. They should be held personally responsible for their actions, and for actions taken in their behalf, to the same extent you or I would be.
Empowerment: … The greater need is to empower individuals and communities to hold corporations accountable for their actions.
Energy tour — NUCLEAR!
October 27th, 2019

Here’s the Kewaunee nuclear plant, owned and operated by Dominion. “Dominion was attempting in 2008 to put together a network of second-hand nuclear plants to produce electricity for the wholesale market. However, the plan was thwarted by cheaper natural gas prices that allowed electric producers to cut rates to big customers, making the Kewaunee plant too expensive to continue operating.”
No plans yet for Kewaunee nuclear power plant land, officials report
What struck me driving by was the 60s Jetsons’ like look, the blue paint on the reactor and other buildings.

My photo doesn’t show it off as well as those above. But for the record, as I was taking photos, a guard (?), security person, staff of some sort came rushing out and was most upset that I was taking photos! I immediately introduced myself and handed him my card, he wrote down my license plate number, and even said, “Well, you could be ISIS!” Right… 63 y.o. old fart attorney, I mean really, ISIS? Paranoia… if I was going to blow up a nuclear plant I would have done that ages ago, before spending 25 years dealing with nuclear and other sorts of energy, DOH!
He wanted to know what I was taking photos of, well, the plant, he was concerned about the substation, and, well, I just took a photo of the plant, and of the Dominion sign… here that is below:

Pretty exciting stuff, eh? We continued south to Pt. Beach, but it’s way down “Nuclear Road” and hidden behind trees and a long way down a road from the plant.

As you can see, the sun was setting, getting too dark for photos, so I’ll get back to Two Creeks Solar another time. But the sunset was amazing!

So let’s be clear, the most I’ll do is enlarge these nuclear photos, and not blow them up!!!
October 25th, 2019
It’s that day again, October 25, 2019. Paul Wellstone died 17 years ago… how can that be?!?!?

If you haven’t read Powerline: The First Battle of America’s Energy War, by Paul Wellstone and Mike Casper, go to this LINK, and buy it at