Badger Hollow Orders
April 19th, 2019

Yesterday all the Badger Hollow Orders were issued by the Wisconsin Public Service Commission. Here they are:
As of yesterday’s release, there are 20 days to file a Petition for Rehearing, soooooo, lots to do in the next 3 weeks!
Another ICE detention center tanked!
April 18th, 2019

YES! The City of New Richmond, WI, had received a zoning change request to allow an ICE detention facility in that town. WHAT?!?! After the one in Pine Island, MN, went south, this was most disturbing to see another pop up. Here’s the short version:

The full press release:
This is the best news today, well, there is that other report released… OK, it’s a toss-up, but THIS IS VERY GOOD NEWS!
Here’s the city analysis of the proposal, and note that after the project proposer read it, they withdrew the application. Scanning the review, the findings are that in each instance, for each section, it “does not meet Evaluation Criterion…” Well, that’s pretty clear.
Good, leave, tail between your legs, SCOOT, don’t let the door hit you on your way out:
No obstruction…
April 18th, 2019

Mueller Report is released, quite redacted. But there are choice parts:

No obstruction because people wouldn’t follow his orders! Now that’s an interesting twist… the intent was there, but fails on the execution. SNORT!
It’s too big to upload, trying to reduce. In the meantime, here’s a direct link:
And a searchable version:
And from Joshua Frank: Top 20 Mueller Report “Findings”

Homework for Thursday with David Schultz
April 16th, 2019

Remember, David Schultz will be here Thursday for an ethics presentation, sponsored by the City of Red Wing! David Schultz in Red Wing on roles, open meeting, and conflicts
Thursday, April 18th
6 pm at the Sheldon Theatre
Here’s your homework — get to it and come with your questions:
tRump promoting COAL! And crude oil and natural gas…
April 12th, 2019

Here is is, hot off the Federal Register:
The point of this is to push crude oil and natural gas production, to do what it takes to get it to market (regardless of risks); to revise (gut) the Clean Water Act; to renew leases on federal lands that are now on hold; whether there are “trends” in energy investments and whether proxy voting and regulations should be changed; and to determine whether states’ exercising of their rights is a “barrier” to the national energy market.
There’s a lot between the lines, but in essence, the plan is to put tRump energy policy over states’ and sovereign rights, to put market over safety and environmental concerns. The “market” has already decided, so how does he think this will operate, and what of the cost of these market manipulations?