Homework for Thursday with David Schultz
April 16th, 2019

Remember, David Schultz will be here Thursday for an ethics presentation, sponsored by the City of Red Wing! David Schultz in Red Wing on roles, open meeting, and conflicts
Thursday, April 18th
6 pm at the Sheldon Theatre
Here’s your homework — get to it and come with your questions:
April 16th, 2019 at 4:35 pm
When should approved/official Board & Commission’s meeting minutes be made available to the public? If there is a video of the meeting is that the official record of the meeting or are the approved minutes the official record of the meeting?
April 17th, 2019 at 10:23 am
Just talked with Melissa Hill (the one sending out notices) and she said it WILL be taped, it WILL be up on youtube, and it WILL be put into City’s “newsflashes” (hot flashes??). BUT she said it wasn’t going up on City’s archive because it wasn’t really a city body meeting, but that they’re going to put together a “training archive” to put videos up on for new folks, and I urged her to get that going pronto!