Stone takes 5th!?!?!
December 5th, 2018
Why would he take this route when he technically doesn’t even have to respond, no subpoena power, just a request? Let’s just make the logical presumption…
From the horse’s … mouth… (click for larger version):
Oil & Gas Drilling around Cook Inlet
December 3rd, 2018
So why is no one talking about all the oil and gas drilling around Cook Inlet where the MASSIVE earthquake was in Alaska? Primary info HERE! See for yourself.
Check this video of all the earthquakes in Alaska since the big one.
And as we know, there are seismic impacts:
You can find it here at
RUS EIS is released for Cardinal-Hickory Creek Transmission
December 3rd, 2018
It’s out, the USDA’s RUS EIS for Cardinal-Hickory Creek transmission project:
Draft Environmental Impact Statement – November 2018
From the RUS Notice, how to send in comments and list of public meetings: