Xcel Energy Rate Case — taxes & xmsn rider
June 27th, 2016
Really! Xcel Energy has paid less than $1 million in federal income taxes in the 7 years from 2009 through 2015!
This is from the Direct Testimony of Nancy Campbell, Department of Commerce DER:
Here’s the Exhibit she refers to, scroll down to “NAC-20” at the very end, where you’ll find Xcel’s answer to IR 1171:
I’m looking into whether any intervenor or state agency is looking at the Xcel Energy proposal to take transmission out of CWIP rate adjustments and put into general rates. What they’re asking is:
(this paragraph is is repeated a few times). This Transmission Cost Recovery plan can be found by searching the Xcel Energy Rate Case Application (PUC Docket 15-826):
But this transmission cost recovery is at a rate that is FERC approved MISO rates, challenged at FERC, and greatly reduced in the FERC ALJ’s Order — note Xcel Energy’s “DCF result” is 8.40%, a long way from 12.38% (on the very last page):
The issue, per the ALJ:
Here’s a more detailed look at the issues in the Complaint:
And cost apportionment for these projects is spread out in MISO Schedule 26A (updated every year). This is how they’re apportioning costs among the utilities handling the many zones in MISO:
Yeah, it’s impossible to read — here’s the Excel spreadsheet (2014 version, this is updated annually):
There’s lots of testimony in this rate case, including from the “Minnesota Large Industrial Group” (note Minnesota large industrial customers pay lower per kw cost than us regular residential customers!), and so digging through this is just the beginning…
And remember, this is the case where the ALJ denied Overland and No CapX 2020 intervention, saying:
Further, the Petition states that purposes for which No CapX 2020 was “specifically formed” (fn 22 omitted) was to participate in dockets which are now closed, raising the question of why No CapX 2020 continues to exist.
Really, that’s what the judge said!
Why No CapX 2020 continues to exist? Perhaps to raise issues that no one else is raising?!?! Oh, well, they can’t have that, can they…
Speaking of Xcel Energy, they’re in the news:
Dairyland’s Q-1D South Environmental Assessment
June 19th, 2016
Dairyland Power Cooperative’s transmission through Onalaska and La Crosse is something to see…
Dairyland Power Cooperative and USDA’s Rural Utilities Service has released the “Q-1D South” Environmental Assessment, open for Comment until July 1, 2016:
And from Dairyland’s site:
Briggs Road to La Crosse Tap (Q-1D South) – Environmental Assessment
Comments are due July 1, 2016 — send to:
USDA’s Dennis Rankin: dennis.rankin@wdc.usda.gov
(I’d also cc DPC’s Chuck Thompson: cat@dairynet.com)
By U.S. Mail:
Dennis Rankin
Environmental Protection Specialist
USDA Rural Utilities Service
1400 Independence Avenue S.W.
Mailstop 1571, Room 2242
Washington, DC 20250-1571
What’s to comment on? I see two issues that should be sufficient to stop this project in its tracks — the debt load of Dairyland Power Cooperative and the physical setting of the project which too near and right over people’s homes.
Debt load — Dairyland Power Cooperative’s debt is excessive and should prohibit taking on more debt:
Dairyland Power Cooperative’s Annual Meeting was last week. One purpose of an organization’s Annual Meeting is to discuss its financial status and approve plans going forward.
Dairyland depends on federal USDA/RUS loans to pay for its transmission expansion, such as the Q-1 transmission upgrades, including Marshland-Briggs Road and now the stretch from Briggs Road to North La Crosse south of I-90. Another USDA/RUS loan paid for Dairyland’s share of the CapX La Crosse line now blighting the bluffs. Dairyland will also be part owner of the MISO Hickory Creek to Cardinal line from Iowa to Madison. That’s a lot of transmission and loans.
Dairyland recognized this financial risk and lopsided debt/equity position, and in 2012 sought help from FERC_(DPC_Request4DeclaratoryOrder), requesting a hypothetical capital structure of 35 percent equity and 65 percent debt when its actual capital structure was 16.5 percent equity and 83.5 percent debt, and FERC did grant this relief in an Order for DPC for CapX 2020 (see FERC Docket, go HERE and plug in docket EL13-19-000). That Order, and the 83.5/16.5% debt/equity ratio was prior to the present Q-1 D South project and the MISO MVP Hickory Creek to Cardinal transmission line. Dairyland requested a “hypothetical” (bogus) debt/equity ratio to preserve its credit rating and enable low cost loans. The true debt level makes DPC a higher risk.
Are Dairyland members aware of the 83.5%/16.5 % debt/equity ratio and reliance on loans for major transmission projects? What’s the debt level where new projects are included? This new transmission enables increased power marketing and sales, a private purpose. Is this highly leveraged position for new transmission in the best interests of Cooperative members?
Physical setting of the project — it’s just too close!
The map way above is what the transmission system in the area looks like theoretically, according to the Wisconsin Public Service Commission, but here’s what Dairyland’s Q-1 South line looks like on the ground:
Really… Here’s what it looks like from a satellite with the lines drawn in, on the far south:
Here’s what it looks like further north — look at all those homes:
And here’s what the Wisconsin PSC Code says about clearances in PSCW 114.234:
(2) Transmission lines over dwelling units. [Follows NESC 234C1b, p. 119] (Addition) Add the following paragraph c:c. Transmission lines over dwelling units.No utility may construct conductors of supply lines designed to operate at voltages in excess of 35 kV over any portion of a dwelling unit. This provision also applies to line conductors in their wind-displaced position as defined in Rule 234A2.Note: It is the intent under s. SPS 316.225(6) that the public not construct any portion of a dwelling unit under such lines.Note: The term “dwelling unit” has the meaning given in ch. SPS 316, which adopts by reference the definitions in NEC-2008.Note: See s. SPS 316.225(6) Clearance Over Buildings and Other Structures, which refers to ch. PSC 114 regarding clearance of conductors over 600 volts and the prohibition of dwellings under or near overhead lines.
USDA’s Dennis Rankin: dennis.rankin@wdc.usda.gov
(I’d also cc DPC’s Chuck Thompson: cat@dairynet.com)
By U.S. Mail:
Dennis Rankin
Environmental Protection Specialist
USDA Rural Utilities Service
1400 Independence Avenue S.W.
Mailstop 1571, Room 2242
Washington, DC 20250-1571
#ImWithHer ? Ummmm…
June 17th, 2016
I keep seeing #ImWithHer everywhere. Somehow this is the hashtag adopted by Hillary supporters, maybe even promoted by Hillary Clinton herself.
Given the common use of “I’M WITH STUPID” to the extent that “I’m with…” will be invariably not end well for Hillary, why is this being used?
And it also opens her up to such obvious funnin’!
How stupid can they be?
50 dead in anti-gay shooting in Florida
June 12th, 2016
This is the worst hate crime in U.S. history.
50 Dead in Nightclub Shooting: ‘An Act of Terror and an Act of Hate’
What Happened at the Orlando Nightclub Shooting
Mass Shooting At Orlando Gay Nightclub: What We Know
Omar Mateen Had Concealed Carry License and Security License in Florida
Orlando Shooter Legally Bought Guns Despite Previous Flags by FBI
And on the other side of the country today:
Man with weapons and explosives arrested; was going to LA Gay Pride parade, police say
The spin of much of the reporting and comments focuses on the religion of the shooter, and that’s misplaced and deceptive. This is a hate crime. The shooter’s father has reported that his son was very upset over seeing two males kissing recently:
Orlando nightclub shooter inspired by gay hate according to father
Many media outlets are reporting this with an anti-Muslim spin, which is off point. And those using this spin are avoiding the anti-gay aspect, and that’s off point too. But given the anti-gay hatred being spewed by so many “Christians” (C-I-N-Os in my view, there’s nothing Christian about hatred), it’s no surprise. Franklin Graham is a good example, and he’s coming soon to Minnesota:
Franklin Graham’s detestable anti-gay statements
Franklin Graham’s effort to blacklist LGBT-friendly companies…
There’s so much anti-GLBT vitriol, consider the bizarre “Bathroom Brigade Brouhaha” with laws passed and inciting weird incidents of people being tossed out of bathrooms across the country (shouldn’t the concern be about straight male pedophiles?), particularly where in this Minnesotan’s memory, it’s the Sen. Larry Craigs of the world that demonstrate bathroom issues!
Here’s the scoop on anti-gay hate crimes: FBI statistics in a 2014 report on 2013 hate crimes, as above, show that 21.3% of hate crimes (reported & deemed) are crimes based on the sexual orientation and/or gender identity of the victims. That’s 1,262 reported crimes identified as “hate crimes” in 2013. Looking for more current numbers…
On the other hand, this is what our country is about, an expression of American values, people lining up to donate blood:
Bloodbanks at capacity, donors urged to return in coming days
Make America Love Again!
CA – Sanders picking up counties as votes counted
June 11th, 2016
Click for larger view. This is from the California Secretary of State site, where they’re tallying the votes as the 2.5 million uncounted votes are counted. Keep an eye on THIS page! And compare with the LATimes CA Primary page, where they are NOT updating. Letter-to-the-Editor sent to LA Times!
Bernie has picked up THREE COUNTIES — Glenn County up north, and San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara to the south. This is just the beginning. Makes sense that there are such shrill calls for Bernie to drop out. No. This is a contested nomination, and it is not over until it’s over. And from the counties flipping, with 2.5 million votes to count, it looks like calling a winner is premature. As is so much in this race.
Keep at it, California, count those votes!