Read my lips: NO NEW COAL!
September 23rd, 2008
So Obama/Biden and McCain/Palin are in a pissing contest trying to see who can do the most spectacular flip-flop and double talk about coal.
An ABC headline says:
It’s on msnbc too:
… and the article has him praising coal gasification:
“This is yet another false attack from a dishonorable campaign,” said Biden spokesman David Wade. “Sen. McCain knows that Sen. Obama and Sen. Biden support clean coal technology. Sen. Biden’s point is that China is building coal plants with outdated technology every day, and the United States needs to lead by developing clean coal technologies.”
Earth to Biden, your state of Delaware knows enough to reject, REJECT, coal gasification, in favor of the first offshore wind project in the US, paired with gas for dispatchability. You can read the PSC Order and the PSC staff report explaining why right here:
So I guess it’s time to send another email to the Obama campaign — Jeff Blodgett, are you listening to this coal crap?
Dominion underground natural gas storage on fire!
September 22nd, 2008
As Nancy Prehn would say, BOOM!
Dominion has an underground natural gas storage facility near Leidy Township in Pennsylvania, sorta like the one in Waseca, Minnesota. The “Greenlick Field” is on fire, a well in the field is burning… a pilot flying over recently noticed the glow and reported it, and it’s been burning for days, and it may be burning for “up to two weeks.”
and now it’s 2-3 weeks:
and a daylight aerial photo:
Update: It’s been sold!
… and from the blog “Solomon’s words,” these reports of the fire and photos:
Now granted the pressure in this one, at over 4,000 psi, is much greater than in the Waseca underground storage, it’s an example of why Nancy Prehn is concerned. I sure wouldn’t want to live on top of a natural gas dome with wells surrounding my house!
#%(&% Franken’s got my vote!
September 18th, 2008
I don’t have a TV and so am a little slow… a little culturally deprived… but finally I stumbled on the Coleman ad where Franken’s telling it like it is, and this is just the kind of thing that helps me get over plugging my nose over Franken’s asinine position on coal gasification and potentially ENJOY voting for him. What a hoot:
Yeah, Norm, “you are wrong, and you have to apologize, man!”
… and my favorite, blasphemy in Norwegian land:
I’m MEAN sometimes!!!
Yeah, you tell ’em! Hilarious… get a grip, Norm!
Nathan Muus has new CD
September 16th, 2008
Nathan Muus has a new CD, Seven Little Wonders, and you can here it and download it here:
And there’s a page about Ahbleza, I just had “On the Avenue” going through my brain after my travels on Franklin Avenue the other day… too weird… and a video of Paha Sapa (Song of the Black Hills) in front of Coffman Union:
That’s about 25 years ago… more? … aaaah, life as an old fart…