
Today the “Exceptions” to the ALJ’s Recommendation in the Chisago Transmission Project case were due.  Once again, the Department of Commerce has outdone itself in bizarro submissions.  Click on the documents below to check them out, and really, DO read the one from Commerce:

ALJ Recommendation for Chisago

And here’s what we all had to say about the ALJ’s recommendation:

Exceptions – City of Lindstrom

Exceptions – Xcel

Exceptions – Concerned River Valley Citizens

Bizarro “non-exceptions” – Commerce

Something tells me that the PUC argument on this one will be a hoot!  Ought to sell tickets…

HF 1955 – outrageous

December 3rd, 2007


The Kiffmeister just sent an email waving H.R. 1955 in front of my nose, daring me not to be outraged.  And of course, I AM OURAGED.  It’s bills like this that make us wonder when they’ll be banging on our door.  And it passed through the House virtually unopposed, not one Minnesota Representative had the gonads to vote against it.

Here’s HR 1955, The Violent Radicalism and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act:

HR 1955 – Oct 24, 2007 

Bills like this show the utter unawareness of causes of civil unrest, and any knowledge of what’s going on — like this might prevent anything, or that there’s anything to prevent!  It’s just one more way to tighten the screws and take away peoples’ rights, quash objections — it’s governmental terrorism directed at the people.

How misguided and paranoid can we get?