Lots of good stuff coming over the wire yesterday and today.

There was a good “No New Coal” group at the Statehouse in Indiana yesterday.  Here’s the local rag’s report with lots of yahoos chiming in!

Statehouse protesters object to power plant

Here’s a You-Tube of John Blair’s speech:

John Blair gets down on coal


Water issues for BSII, all coal

December 7th, 2007


The DOE issued a report that projects water usage if carbon capture is necessary, but what struck me was that in 2005, the bottom line in the R&D Program Summary was:

… there will be increasing pressure to retire existing plants and deny permits for new plants due to water availability and quality isues.


DOE – Estimating Freshwater Needs to Meet Future Thermoelectric Generation Requirements 2007

DOE – Addressing Critical Link Between Fossil Energy and Water 2005

DOE/FE Power Plant Water Management R&D Program Summary 2005

Yet Big Stone II was permitted, yes, the same BSII which has acknowledged water supply problems and has gone through some original and creative contortions to claim they can supply the plant.

Winterwalk from Locally Grown

December 7th, 2007

There’s a great You-Tube of Northfield’s Winterwalk last night on Locally Grown, complete with reindeer, horses (and a parent snatching a kid in the nick of time), trombones and a German Shepherd… oh, and there’s Veek-tor and Kiffi too!

Northfield Winter Walk from Glenn Switzer

This is one of the things I miss about living above Jacobsen’s in the downtown “canyon.” But I don’t miss the 4x/day bank robberies across the street during DJJD!

Prehns on Family Feud!?!?!

December 7th, 2007

Team Prehn: Nancy, Bridgett, Andrea, Ashley and Carl – Where’s Kimber???  And where’s Sadie, the pointy-eared family member?

How bizarre…  I know enough to expect the unexpected from Nancy Prehn, but this is really weird.  REALLY WEIRD.  She got on Family Feud, they taped it in November, and it’s going to air on January 23 and 24th at 3:30 p.m. on Channel 5 or 7:30 p.m. on Channel 45.  She reports that they won the first round and lost the second.

Were it “County Feud” or “CenterPoint Feud” it might make sense, but Family Feud?  What next?

Now… where will I find a TV to check this out!


It’s a step, but not something to get too excited about … yet…

In Delaware’s News Journal:

Energy Department to reconsider push for Mid-Atlantic power lines 

Lots of people had asked for rehearing on approval of the Corridors:

Rehearing page – scroll down for Petitions

This was in my inbasket yesterday:

Order Granting Rehearing

So they’re granting the requests to THINK about it… that’s why it’s a step, but…

Here’s the PR blurb:

DOE Issues Orders Granting Requests for Rehearing

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has issued orders
granting rehearings for the Report and Orders designating
the Mid-Atlantic Area National Transmission Corridor
(Docket No. 2007-OE-01) and the Southwest Area National
Transmission Corridor (Docket No. 2007-OE-02). The orders
are available on the “Applications for Rehearing” page on
the National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors and
Congestion Study Web site at http://nietc.anl.gov/index.cfm

For More Information

For more information about the National Interest Electric
Transmission Corridors and Congestion Study, visit
the National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors and
Congestion Study Web site
or contact us at: