It’s been one of those times, after the computer crash getting everything together again, and doing that on the road, what a mess. But here’s an update, from after a quick trip to Denver for Nancy LaPlaca and Andy Bardwell’s wedding, we took a few days out in SD, in the Black Hills and Badlands. It’s been 40 years or so since I’ve been there, and for sure, everything shrunk! Except for the Crazy Horse Memorial. But on the way back, look what was going on:











It’s soooooooooo sad. There’s a whole lotta diggin’ goin’ on… it’s the 345kV “It’s for wind NOT” line. What? Not for wind??? Yup, here’s why:

Transmission for Dummies – #2
It’s NOT for WIND!


Watching that go up, it’s so depressing, such a clear loss. Worse, it’s the prep for CapX 2020. AAAAAAAAGH!








But where there’s CapX 2020, there’s!!

And an interesting factoid. I’d expected the conductors to be arranged in delta, but noooooo, take a close look here. They’re vertical, all on one side, and look at these flanges that are on the other side — ready and waiting to add another three arm and another 2085 MVA capacity!











In today’s St.PPP about a two week old transmission line bomb scare (WARNING: KIDS, THIS IS A FEDERAL OFFENSE — DON’T TRY THIS AT HOME…):

Power line company offers reward

The Associated Press
Article Launched: 08/29/2007 10:00:26 AM CDT

UNDATED—The company building a power line from Duluth, Minnesota, to Wausau, Wisconsin, is offering a reward to help find those responsible for leaving homemade explosives along the construction site.

American Transmission Company project manager Pete Holtz says they’re concerned about the safety of their workers and are offering a $1,000 reward.

The 210-mile line has long been the target of protests of property owners from Wausau to Superior and Duluth.

Fifteen to 25 soda bottles filled with explosive chemicals were found by a power line worker about two weeks ago in Wisconsin’s Douglas County. The bomb squad from the Air National Guard’s 148th Fighter Wing was called to the scene to take care of the bottles.

The FBI office in Green Bay, Wisconsin, is working to identify the chemicals.

The 420 million dollar line is expected to be finished later this year.

Here’s more from KJBR, a Duluth TV station:

Bomb Scare Forces Powerline Crews To Evacuate Construction Site

August 17, 2007

Duluth MN / Superior WI, MN – Several bombs have been found in and around the controversial Arrowhead Weston Power Line construction site. The project has seen its share of protests from people who are opposed to the power line, but officials are not pointing any fingers right now.

Posted 9:06 a.m. – Several bombs have been found in and around the controversial Arrowhead Weston Power Line construction site.

As Dan Hanger reports, authorities are not taking this lightly.

“Well, luckily it wasn’t serious in the fact no one got hurt or killed, but that was the potential harm,” Sheriff Tom Dalbec, Douglas County Sheriff’s Office.

A potentially deadly situation on Lyman Lake Road in Parkland, Wisconsin was prevented Tuesday.

Several chemical bombs were found there, along a mile stretch of the Arrowhead–Weston Power Line construction site.

This is video nearby.

“The intent is to cause injury, harm, potentially death.”

The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office and the FBI, actively investigating, searching for the person or people who put these dangerous homemade explosives together.

“There are statutes,” said Raymond Greco, FBI. “If anybody causes damage to or destroys an energy facility, it’s a federal offense, so the power lines fall into that statute.”

Officials say the construction crews working on the project had just set the foundation for the power poles.

Those crews were evacuated.

No one was hurt.

And they aren’t allowed back for now because the sheriff’s office says there may be more bombs.

“We don’t know if someone’s intent was to make a statement against the power line or if they were to make a statement against government in general or if it potentially was maybe some kids screwing around having fun.”

The power line project has seen its share of protests from people who feel it threatens the environment and their homesteads, but officials are not pointing any fingers right now.

Anyone who knows anything about this case is asked to call the Douglas County Sheriff’s Department.

No CapX 2020 is here!

August 26th, 2007


My NO CAPX 2020 site is up and running, little by little getting into the details. Check out

They’ve extended the Comment period regarding completeness of the application.  I’ll get that posted later tonight.

And you (all you utilities checking it out) ain’t seen nothin’ yet! Stay tuned!


The Environmental Assessment for Xcel’s Chisago Transmission Project, the transmission line running along Highway 8 from the Chisago substation to St. Croix Falls (and then off through Wisconsin) has been released, and here it is, in a couple of pieces:

Chisago – Environmental Assessment

Chisago – Environmental Assessment, Appendices

So what to do if you have a Comment?  Sit on it!  Here’s the Notice of Availability — scan it for info on how and where to send Comments:

Chisago – Availability Notice

Here’s info on the public hearing from the Notice:

Public Hearing Schedule

A joint public hearing to receive public testimony in both the need and route matters will be convened in two sessions at:

7:00 PM
Tuesday September 4, 2007 and Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Chisago Lakes Area Library
11754 302nd Street
Chisago City, MN 55012

Evidentiary hearings on the Certificate of Need application will also be held in the library on September 4th and 5th beginning at 9:00 am. Evidentiary hearings on the Route Permit Application will be held in the library on September 6th and 7th beginning at 9:00 am.ach public hearing session will continue until all persons have had the opportunity to present evidence and question witnesses. If needed, the hearing may be recessed and continued by the ALJ, and additional hearing dates may be established by the ALJ in accordance with Minnesota Rules 1405.1400 to 1405.2300.

Written comments on the proposals may be submitted to Judge Lipman, at the address listed above, at any time before 4:30 p.m. on September 14, 2007. After the close of written comment period, Judge Lipman will prepare a report and make a recommendation to the Public Utilities Commission regarding Xcel Energy’s proposal.

NO to CapX 2020!

August 20th, 2007


The CapX 2020 Certificate of Need application came in the mail Friday.  HOW DARE THEY!  OK, fine: 

It’s going to be a long couple of years…