Here they are, Krie on the left, Kenya on the right, ready to go chase balls at the park. Krie did so well in the short time I worked with her that I couldn’t resist, she’s moved right in! She was dog agressive with every dog at the shelter, but when she met Kenya, she peed submissively and licked Ken’s lips, and there’s not a bit of aggression. So far, Ken is still alpha. When we go for walks, they walk along like a team of horses, joined at the shoulder — it’s amazing, the folks at the shelter cannot believe it! Walking two is easier than either one of them. But for some reason, people tend to cross the street or take a different path, quick. At home, there’s a growl and snap here and there, but they are buddies who share the back seat, food, water and everything but tennis balls. Krie’s got this aura — the guy across the street commented that his son said he wouldn’t get anywhere near my house, good thing, too, he was busted for auto theft last month! Way to go, girls!

Bitch Sisters.JPG

If you’re looking for a shep, the Humane Society of Goodhue County has five (5) white sheps needing homes. They’re young and not set in their ways.

Humane Society of Goodhue County
1213 Brick Road
Red Wing, MN
(651) 388-5286

If a Shep doesn’t do it, here’s the list of all their pets looking for YOU!

Weird day – yesterday was dog days (I understand the dog days of August now… an entire day spent getting ready for the invasion of Krie, a trip to the vet to make her a “sport model,” a pen, 70’s style block patio for the dog, doggie jail with style) — today I’m in the lobby of the St. James Hotel because I’m having wireless trouble, and it’s going to be a bit before the “naked DSL” is working. Trying to get work done is excruciating, but it’s worse at the office with dial-up.

St James Hotel.jpg

It’s a lobby of people roaming around looking lost, some happy family reunions, some obviously not thrilled to be even associating, others rushing through happily chattering on cells, most wonder why there’s a four foot Red Wing boot oddly painted, a strange show in my hometown, obviously not locals. Through it all marches a cadre of Red Hats, and purple too, on the way to the Veranda …

012911 Red Hat Parade  by Michael Miller 879py  C2232_Purple.jpeg
Red Hat Parade by Michael Miller (from

(8/25 addendum – a friend tells me some metro area ones were on the front page of the STrib Metro section yesterday, maybe they were all out celebrating? I see them around the Tale of Two Sisters Tea Room regularly.)

… back to the Estate/Conservatorship in this alternate reality… and better see if the dogs got together to put that 10 foot long pink leather couch out of its misery…

Here’s Kri, lounging after doing her dog thing today. I’ve been spending time with her every day, playing, taking her for walks, and today we did something daring… shhhhhh… don’t tell, but I took her off leash and we worked on “Come, pup!” and the usual “sit” and “down” and “stay.” You can see she looks awfully satisfied with herself! With reason!


Kri is a senior shep who needs a home — if I didn’t have a senior shep who’s a wuss pup, I’d take her in a New York minute, because she’s a great dog. She’s old enough to lay around a bit, but peppy enough to wear you out tossing balls. Kri spent a lot of time in a kennel popping out puppies, and she’s not used to bonding with people, hanging around, focusing her attention on humans, so that’s what I’ve been working on with her. Yesterday, we went swimming in a nearby creek to cool off — she really enjoyed that!

Humane Society of Goodhue County
1213 Brick Road
Red Wing, MN 55066 651-388-5286


We go through two or three hot dogs a day, but now, after just a week, she is paying more attention, and today she was focused even though I’d forgotten the hot dogs! She now “walks nicely on a leash,” as they say in doggie school, she doesn’t “stay” yet, but we’ll get there. She comes when called, but I’ve got a feeling that getting the ball tossed again is her primary motivator! We spent a long time tossing that stick today, and she was grinning that shep grin, ear to ear! Look at this happy pup!


If you’re looking for a dog that will give you great return for the time you put in with her, one who’s over those chewing days, one who will lay around on the couch snarfing popcorn and beer (my brother’s favorite activity with his dogs) or run with you in the morning or go for walks after work, she’s the perfect dog. Call the Humane Society:

Humane Society of Goodhue County
1213 Brick Road
Red Wing, MN 55066 651-388-5286

Head on down to Red Wing and take her around the block!

The Humane Society of Goodhue County is located at 1213 Brick Ave Red Wing, MN. Hwy 61 runs directly through the city of Red Wing. About one mile north of the downtown district will be Wilters Harbor Drive, right by Perkins. Go south there, Wilthers Harbor will loop around, take the first left onto Tile Dr. Take Tile Dr. approxiately 1/2 mile around a curve or two to Brick Ave. Take a right onto Brick Ave. It’s at the end of Brick on the left hand side. If you find yourself on the recycling scale, you’ve gone too far!

It’s time to take a few moments to remember a couple amazing Leos – Jerry and Katze.

Don’t thank me. Thank Jerry. by Eric Francis.
Here’s Jerry’s natal chart.

His photo with a classic understated Garcia quote was on my desk as I worked my way through a B.A. in a Peterbilt or Kenworth. “You can feed the dog and pursue that goal at the same time… it just takes a little extra effort.” He died as I was loading in California on my last round before opening my office.


And Katze, August 6, 2000, to August 14, 2002. What a bitch she was…

Katze 1_edited.jpg

Katze 2.jpg

In an ongoing Northfield Issues List discussion about the City’s website redesign and recent appropriation of another chunk of change, aptly entitled:

Website uncovered or the True E-Northfield Story

Adam asks an important question:

> Is this a document that the city can legally hide from the public?
> I’m doing some research on it right now, but I thought that I’d ask.
> Adam
> —
> Adam Gurno
> adam[at]gurno[dot]com

I succinctly advise:

Send the City a request, specify you’re asking for it under the Data
Practices Act – they’ve got 10 or 30 days to comply, can’t remember which.

I get this response:

Your request to the ISSUES mailing list

Posting of your message titled “Re: [Nfld Issues] Website
uncovered or the True E-Northfield Story” has been rejected by the list moderator. The moderator gave the following reason for rejecting your request:

“Your message was deemed inappropriate by the moderator.”

Any questions or comments should be directed to the list administrator at

Northfield’s eDemocracy in action — I guess it’s inappropriate to advise someone of how to obtain documents under the Data Practices Act. Ja, and under the Bush Administration, exercising Constitutional Rights is terrorism, don’t cha know!
