Dog Days and the Girls of Summer – Krie & Kenya
August 24th, 2005
Here they are, Krie on the left, Kenya on the right, ready to go chase balls at the park. Krie did so well in the short time I worked with her that I couldn’t resist, she’s moved right in! She was dog agressive with every dog at the shelter, but when she met Kenya, she peed submissively and licked Ken’s lips, and there’s not a bit of aggression. So far, Ken is still alpha. When we go for walks, they walk along like a team of horses, joined at the shoulder — it’s amazing, the folks at the shelter cannot believe it! Walking two is easier than either one of them. But for some reason, people tend to cross the street or take a different path, quick. At home, there’s a growl and snap here and there, but they are buddies who share the back seat, food, water and everything but tennis balls. Krie’s got this aura — the guy across the street commented that his son said he wouldn’t get anywhere near my house, good thing, too, he was busted for auto theft last month! Way to go, girls!
If you’re looking for a shep, the Humane Society of Goodhue County has five (5) white sheps needing homes. They’re young and not set in their ways.
Humane Society of Goodhue County
1213 Brick Road
Red Wing, MN
(651) 388-5286
If a Shep doesn’t do it, here’s the list of all their pets looking for YOU!
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