Greetings from the St. James Hotel
August 24th, 2005
Weird day – yesterday was dog days (I understand the dog days of August now… an entire day spent getting ready for the invasion of Krie, a trip to the vet to make her a “sport model,” a pen, 70’s style block patio for the dog, doggie jail with style) — today I’m in the lobby of the St. James Hotel because I’m having wireless trouble, and it’s going to be a bit before the “naked DSL” is working. Trying to get work done is excruciating, but it’s worse at the office with dial-up.
It’s a lobby of people roaming around looking lost, some happy family reunions, some obviously not thrilled to be even associating, others rushing through happily chattering on cells, most wonder why there’s a four foot Red Wing boot oddly painted, a strange show in my hometown, obviously not locals. Through it all marches a cadre of Red Hats, and purple too, on the way to the Veranda …
Red Hat Parade by Michael Miller (from
(8/25 addendum – a friend tells me some metro area ones were on the front page of the STrib Metro section yesterday, maybe they were all out celebrating? I see them around the Tale of Two Sisters Tea Room regularly.)
… back to the Estate/Conservatorship in this alternate reality… and better see if the dogs got together to put that 10 foot long pink leather couch out of its misery…
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