Lab USA Ash Mining – PCA says “No EIS needed”
April 7th, 2017
No surprise. BUT, many issues not addressed, and many comments not registering, much less considered, it seems. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency “reviewed” the Lab USA Environmental Assessment and Comments and determined that:
And the bottom line:
Here’s the full document, check it out:
Note they do not address the Water Tank Mound, which comprises much of the Red Wing lay down yard site, and there is no acknowledgement, much less characterization or use in modeling, of the La Crosse incinerator ash that’s trucked in, and something like 50% of that is old railroad ties full of creosote. Pretty toxic stuff, that creosote.
Something odd — if not for a little birdie, I’d not have known that this was issued, no service, no notice, nada. ??? Thank you, little birdie!!!
Killing the EQB and gutting environmental law!
March 13th, 2017
Lake Pepin on a very warm blustery day last week
There’s a bill out there that will eliminate Minnesota’s Environmental Quality Board and shove that work over to the MPCA, at the same time, gutting DNR and MPCA review by linking to funding or lack thereof. Shifting preparation of environmental documents to the project applicant. This is not crying wolf, this is happening, it is going through committees in both House and Senate, and I’m at a loss to describe how awful this is. Here’s the point, in short:
Mindful that defunding is a primary means to neuter an agency, check this, for the DNR, but repeated as amendment to 116.07 for Pollution Control Agency in lines 10.3-10.15:
Look at line 3.32 “nor shall it expire without the consent of the permittee.” Gutting DNR and MPCA authority. Failure to fund agencies is such a problem that the MPCA has a backlog of expired permits. This means that permits would go on and on and on, because permit violations are not usually an “imminent threat” but instead a long term cumulative impact.
How about this — earth to Mars, environmental review is not decisional, nothing should be deemed approved because an EIS is approved:
The project applicant prepares the Draft Environmental Impact Statement? WHAT?!?!
Still picking out more specifics…
Bottom line, Minnesotans, here’s the “TO DO” of the day. Contact the House and Senate authors, and send a quick round of emails or call the House Ways & Means and Senate Environment and Natural Resources Finance. Focus on the authors and Republican members. Tell them to vote this bill DOWN! Contact info below.
Here are the House authors: (651) 296-9635, (651) 296-2365, (651) 296-9918, (651) 296-4333
House status: TEXT. On March 8th it was re-referred to House Ways & Means Committee. No meeting scheduled yet. Contact the House Ways & Means Committee members — their emails:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Here are the Senate authors: (651) 297-8063, (651) 296-4913, Sen. Paul Gazelka (link to form)(651) 296-4875, Sen. David Tomassoni (link to form)(651) 296-8017.
Senate Status: TEXT – was Amended and amendment not posted. TWO Committee meetings scheduled, one TODAY, BUT status is conflicting:
Committee on State Government Finance and Policy and Elections | |
03/13/2017 | Meeting scheduled for 05:30 PM in Room 1200 Minnesota Senate Bldg. |
03/13/2017 | No Committee Action Recorded |
Committee on Environment and Natural Resources Finance | |
03/15/2017 | Meeting scheduled for 10:30 AM in Room 1150 Minnesota Senate Bldg. |
Here’s the conflict, says it’s already been through State Gov’t Finance despite above 5:30 schedule!
03/13/2017 | |
So I think the best bet is to contact Environment & Natural Resources Finance:,,,
And links to those using web form: Sen. David Tomassoni, Sen. Thomas Bakk, Sen. Dziekic, Sen. Justin Eichorn, Sen. Foung Hawj, Sen. Mark Johnson, Sen. Andrew Lang, Sen. Andrew Mathews,
TOMORROW – Silica Sand Tech Assistance Team Mtg.
January 4th, 2017
January 5, 2017 – 2:30pm
Silica Sand Technical Assistance Team Meeting
January 5th, 2017 @ 2:30pm in the DNR Central Office Lobby Conference Room.
Meet to discuss technical and agency updates to the EQB Tools to Assist Local Governments in Planning for and Regulating Silica Sand Projects, agency rulemaking updates, and updates on silica sand activities in the State of Minnesota
Conference call: 1-888-742-5095 | Conference Code: 3649223869#
1) Introductions
2) Agency updates on silica sand activities in the State of Minnesota
3) Technical and agency updates to EQB Tools to Assist Local Governments in Planning for and Regulating Silica Sand Projects
4) Agency updates on rulemaking
a. DNR
c. EQB
5) EQB Ordinance Library
6) Other topics
7) Adjourn
Show up — keep the heat on to get these projects MOVING! It’s been YEARS!
Comments due on Tiller… errr… Titan Lansing sand plant
August 19th, 2015
Air Permits at the MPCA! Time to sit right down and write a Comment to the MPCA about the Titan Lansing sand processing and loading facility in North Branch. Scroll down for the primary documents.
Send Comments, by Friday, August 28, 2015, to:
Andrew Luberda
Air Quality Permits Section Industrial Division
MN Pollution Control Agency
520 Lafeyette Road North
St Paul MN 55155
The notice does not list an email for Luberda or a MPCA comment url, so I called him up to get his email. I asked if they’d correct this omission, and got a non-responsive response.
Tiller Sand transloading facility… If you recall, this was that Tiller Sand facility that they built and started operating WITHOUT ANY PERMITS, just went ahead and did it. That said, their history isn’t exactly as pristine as… well… as pristine as frac sand!
January 25, 2013 – Tiller Corp. is penalized for air-quality violations
November 20, 2014 – Tiller Corporation penalized for air-quality violations
Then it was sold to Titan Lansing in November 2014 (see comments about air quality and permits in this article).
In the Chisago County Press here’s the poop about the MPCA Air Permit and info on how to file a Comment, great info about various Comment and administrative options (not that the MPCA ever does contested cases):
Here’s the scoop from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency:
Open for public comment through Friday, August 28, 2015. Send Comments to:
Andrew Luberda
Air Quality Permits Section Industrial Division
MN Pollution Control Agency
520 Lafeyette Road North
St Paul MN 55155
StB Frac Sand Conference in Lake City
May 9th, 2015
Today was the Save the Bluffs sponsored “Conference for Frac Sand Activists: Networking, Learning, Advocating.” Katie Himanga did a tremendous job organizing this, great turnout, and I came back energized!
Here’s my presentation on “Opportunities for Legal Intervention” (as opposed to not so legal??? hmmmmm):
Overland Handout
LOBBYISTS ‘R’ US (this is OLD!)
People were VERY interested in both Intervention in a permitting and proceeding and in Application for a change in Zoning Ordinance. Both of these are important because they put “the people” in the driver’s seat, through becoming a party in the proceeding, or through becoming the applicant.
Intervention in a permitting proceeding is authorized under Minn. Stat. 116B.09, Subd. 1. This is useful where a project has been proposed and applied for, because it gives you a seat at the table:
Here’s an example where a party has intervened, in this case in a City of Minneapolis permitting proceeding:
Here’s an example of a simple Petition (I’d recommend adding more narrative and supporting documents):
Pretty much anyone can apply for a Zoning Ordinance change. It was done to get the Goodhue County Wind Ordinance moving, and got a county Wind Study Committee started under the Planning Advisory Committee to put the Ordinance together. The same thing happened with Silica Sand mining, a Silica Sand study committee was formed, but it wasn’t utilized in this instance nearly as much as it was for the Wind Ordinance.
Here’s the Application for Goodhue County, which also explains how the process works, what to do, etc. It’s pretty simple, apply and the process begins slowly grinding forward. Most Counties will have their application online:
Goodhue County_2015 Change of Zone_201501090914372783
Here’s the Save the Bluff’s Petition for a Goodhue County Zoning change that got StB a seat at the table:
Binder-Zoning Change Application-FINAL
Here are a few of posts from PAC and County Board meetings during that time as it slowly went through the county process:
Silica Sand Mining 1,000 ft setback from Public Waters – August 19th, 2014
Monday 6p – Silica sand at Goodhue PAC Meeting -November 16th, 2013
Most interesting Goodhue PAC meeting – August 20th, 2013
Goodhue County extends moratorium – August 6th, 2013
Save the Bluffs files Application for Zoning Ordinance Change – July 15th, 2013