Lab USA Ash Mining – PCA says “No EIS needed”
April 7th, 2017
No surprise. BUT, many issues not addressed, and many comments not registering, much less considered, it seems. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency “reviewed” the Lab USA Environmental Assessment and Comments and determined that:
And the bottom line:
Here’s the full document, check it out:
Note they do not address the Water Tank Mound, which comprises much of the Red Wing lay down yard site, and there is no acknowledgement, much less characterization or use in modeling, of the La Crosse incinerator ash that’s trucked in, and something like 50% of that is old railroad ties full of creosote. Pretty toxic stuff, that creosote.
Something odd — if not for a little birdie, I’d not have known that this was issued, no service, no notice, nada. ??? Thank you, little birdie!!!
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