Mirror image or is it really on the wrong ear?!?!

In this weekend’s bEagle:

Letter: Manifestation of MAGA’s dangerous rhetoric

  • Published on Jul 19, 2024

It’s not just lies and criminality. For years, we’ve observed the overt MAGA incitement and triggering of violence. There’s projection of that virulent rhetoric on others, and manifestations of that violence by MAGA adherents. Despite false claims that Biden was behind the recent Donald Trump assassination attempt, have MAGA “masterminds” noticed the irony of the Supreme Court immunity decision and the hypothetical of a president deploying Seal Team 6 to assassinate an opponent that was raised in argument before the court?

Ivan Raiklin and Alex Jones on InfoWars argued that assassination of Trump would mean they’d “respond in kind, and we know who you are because we’ve created the list…” Jones saying, “if they kill him, that’s a best case scenario… From a sick level medium, ‘Oh, please kill him.’ I mean, it’s so good after that.” [here’s the link: https://twitter.com/patriottakes/status/1812460546236518607]

The headlines today say the FBI is searching for motive. A 20 year old registered Republican living with his parents with access to an AR15. Where might he get ideas? We know the power of Jones’ misinformation, defamation, and the lawsuit holding him accountable and bankrupting him.

The repeated themes in Trump and MAGA rhetoric are projection and incitement, searching to ignite and disillusion voters, setting up the 2024 election as fraudulent – an election they can’t legitimately win.

While screaming for “less government” and “don’t take away our freedoms,” MAGA’s Project 2025 and Agenda 47 instead lay out specific plans to increase government control and limit our rights, particularly to disenfranchise voters. Taking away voting rights has been a losing battle in court, but attempts continue.

It’s up to us to preserve our democratic republic. “We the People” must reclaim that opening phrase of the Constitution from extremists and show up to vote. November 5 is soon upon us.

Carol A. Overland, Red Wing

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