Alan’s APL treatment DONE!

March 18th, 2024

Alan’s Acute Promyleocytic Leukemia is DONE! They’ve said once it’s gone, it’s GONE, non-recurring. We’re hoping that’s true.

Today, his port was removed, it’s about time. The one above is very different, that one stays in chest, and Alan’s did a “frolic & detour” up into his neck. UGH, it was pretty ugly at first, and took a long time for those bruises to go away — but that tube was always visible. Frankly, it gave me the creeps, both “just” the chest port bump, and it was worse when he had the infusion hardware hanging from it. EEEEEUW!

From May 19, 2023 to TODAY, it’s been a long, long haul, and as of today, it’s over, because the port is GONE.

No more port to put in that IV arsenic, and no more oral ATRA (Vit A derivative), and now all that’s left is to rebuild his immune system. That will be a few months.

This is such a relief.

Need some time to deep breathe, and then dive in to finishing up the financial piece, and that is a DEEP, DEEP, dive.

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