Hot off the press from Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO):

Here we go again, I just can’t believe this – ya gotta look:

And at long last they admit their line loss problem, inherent in long transmission lines:

This is not rocket science. When you build long lines, you will have lots of line loss. And they act surprised? Give me a break…

Here’s MISO Long-Range Transmission Planning – Reliability Study for the Tranche 2 Effort:

Here’s an earlier version from MISO via RTO Insider, and it looks like they’ve toned it down a bit, fewer lines, but more 765kV:

And don’t forget these JTIQ connect the dots projects:

From a MISO presentation to MN Legislature:

Can we please go back to the days when MISO was miso, delightfully edible and not an emetic??

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