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The internet was down, and down again, the cold water for the tub and toilet wasn’t working — froze up somewhere in the crawl space, and my old boiler just can’t get it up or maybe the house has sprung some new leaks… Sure, my car starts, but it’s a Mitsu 3 Diamond Diamond, of course it’ll start, but I can’t get started, need a total back replacement…


So I spend hours on the phone with “Tech Support” and get a new modem (hmmmm… it invariably goes out after posts on the CD2 list), and put a fan into the crawl space up against the possum proof fencing, check the gauges and add some water, bleed the radiators, and vacuum them for good measure… and office in the St. James Hotelworking, yeah, that’s it… working… I want a mango tree in the back yard, a house with a view like this, a GREEN view, color and nuclear free! Like this! Or this… and if I had $$$$$…


PreKatrina, I’d focused on N’awlins after a February visit a few years ago, trees in bloom with flowers and beads hanging, and Ross Currier’s post was a great reminder of how important it is to preserve. Tipitina’s has a Foundation and an Artists’ Relief effort. Ross was suprised that Charles Long’s talk went “from rice cultivation to The Meters” but get a grip, all roads lead to the Meters… so CLICK HERE AND WARM UP.

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