Just wow, considering Dairyland’s Genoa was just south of La Crosse!

So I sent this missive to the promoters of this presentation, the “Climate Change and the Driftless Region Regional Read,” and their emails are there so you can too:

Subject:Nuclear??? I live in Red Wing, a nuclear town…
Date:Sun, 14 Aug 2022 11:21:27 -0500
From:Carol A. Overland <overland@legalectric.org>
To:lhackbarth@lacrosselibrary.org, ae@lacrosselibrary.org, aremsburg@uwlax.edu, lcr_dir@selco.info, sustainability@westerntc.edu, kuhlmanl@cityoflacrosse.org, winonapl@selco.info

( Contact page, no email shown: Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration )

All –

I live in Red Wing, a nuclear community, and as an attorney have worked on nuclear issues since 1995, when I represented Florence Township when confronted with nuclear waste storage in the community (proposal defeated and withdrawn), have participated in Genoa decommissioning festivities, commented on federal dockets such as the Nuclear Waste Confidence docket and consent based nuclear siting, as well as the current docket at MN PUC where Xcel has asked for permission to use different storage casks at Prairie Island while refusing to disclose what casks it wants. Going even further back, my father worked on design of Minnesota’s Elk River nuclear demonstration plant, twin of Genoa, and I grew up playing with a geiger counter that he used in the characterization study of that plant.

Have any of you participated in the Genoa “Lifetime Termination Plan” regarding the decommissioning of Genoa and handling of nuclear waste?  I have… as have many I know of closer to Genoa, and who have also been working on nuclear issues for decades.

How and why is nuclear advocacy “part of the Climate Change and the Driftless Region Regional Read” project?  It’s inconsistency with the other programs offered jumps from the page. DJ LeClear is an unabashed ADVOCATE of nuclear generation, nothing objective here!  https://youtu.be/fcgR81bIRaM

This program of promotion of nuclear generation in La Crosse, a community with a history of nuclear generation that has informed the area about the unending problems of nuclear generation, should at least be accompanied by a presenter with equal time to address the flip side of nuclear and the La Crosse community’s decades long work on nuclear. It’s odd that you’d not include local nuclear experts.

November 6th?  It’s on my calendar in pen, highlighted in neon orange.


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