Freeborn Wind – Comment on noise study!
May 14th, 2022
Another PUC comment period, this time regarding Freeborn/Xcel Energy’s post-construction noise study and Commerce-EERA’s “analysis” of that study.
Here is the Freeborn/Xcel Energy post-construction noise study (Xcel steadfastly refuses to produce the results of the 22 day noise study done on Sue Madson’s property, GRRRRRRRR):
Here is the Commerce-EERA analysis and recommendation:
Here’s the notice from the PUC — Comments due May 27:
What’s a “Supplemental comment period” I ask? Well, it’s a “clean up” to address things at issue, whatever, so another whack at the apple.
What are they wanting to hear about?
Commerce-EERA is recommending that night-time curtailments be discontinued… WHAT?!?! So they better hear about that in technicolor.
Send comments as below, and also file on eDockets, and be sure to put the docket number on your comment — PUC Docket WS-17-410:
Freeborn Wind?!?! It was 4 years ago today that we showed up, participated, filled the record with testimony, studies, photos, and then received the ALJ’s recommendation that the Freeborn Wind project be DENIED. BUT just four months later, the Public Utilities Commission disregarded the noise issues raised by the ALJ, turned that around, and gave them a permit.
WE WON!!! ALJ Recommend Freeborn Permit be DENIED, or… May 14th, 2018
Freeborn? PUC upends ALJ’s Freeborn Wind Recommendation September 21st, 2018
The project is now built, operating, and making too much noise.
Freeborn Wind Noise Again! November 9th, 2021
Freeborn Wind is too noisy! February 1st, 2022
What’s next? Well, get those comments in to the PUC, and we shall see…
Ain’t “working within the system” grand?!?!
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