Bottom line:

This was the first ever contested case for a wind permit in the state of Minnesota, which has sited many, many wind projects.  Finally they’re doing it right, under the Power Plant Siting Act.  AND in this first ever contested case in Minnesota, the Administrative Law Judge has just recommended that the permit be denied, or Freeborn Wind show how it would comply.  LIKE WOW!  Is this exciting or what!

Here’s the ALJ’s full Recommendation to the Public Utilities Commission:


Noise is real, and Minnesota has been lax about siting.  That will change!

Next stop, the Public Utilities Commission!  Can’t wait!


One Response to “WE WON!!! ALJ Recommend Freeborn Permit be DENIED, or…”

  1. WE WON!!! ALJ Recommend Freeborn Permit be DENIED, or … #MN - The Wind Farmer Says:

    […] May 14th, 2018, Carol Overland, […]

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